
Time to go to bed?? (to sleep!)?

by Guest10900  |  earlier

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My husband goes to bed at a rreasonabletime of around obviously he has work in the morning.

I am not working at the moment and do not sleep more that 3/4 hours at a time. AAlthoughi get up at 7.30 ish sort the children out, tidy the house and function for the rest of the day and evening.

The problem is my husband has an issue of me going to bed at 2/3 o'clock in the morning....which i can sort of understand if i slept during the day, but if i go to bed any earlier i will just lay there awake?

Am i being uunreasonable




  1. Sounds like he is concerned about your health which is most definitely affected by the amount of sleep you get on a regular basis.

    Plus he may have noticed that you are more short tempered or forgetful than you used to be but is trying to be tactful.

    No offense, but your many typos could be an indication that you need more sleep though you are able to 'function' to some degree on the little you get now.

    Is there some good reason you don't get more sleep?  If not, I think you should consider getting more sleep on a regular basis either by sleeping more at night or taking a nap during the day.

    You may be surprised by the result to your health as well as your temper.

    Best to you.

  2. i dont think so. go to sleep when you are ready.

  3. well it is unfair on our husband you disturbing him everynight when you come to bed and he has work in the morning.

    although im the same i go to bed same time but i snuggle up with a nice book to read to drop me off to sleep

  4. Your not being unreasonable, but i can see his point too.  If it keeps him up or gives him an irregular sleep patter it could really suck for him.....  But try to like during the day get out of the house and go running or walking or something, try to make yourself more tired.  When I was out of work I had the same problem and then I started to do something out of the ordinary and get me out of the house!  Its not a matter of working out or anything its just you trying to wear yourself out more.  Also if nothing else try tylenol pm until you get on a better sleep pattern.  But they are just suggestions.... Good luck!!!

  5. You should hit the sack at the same time as your husband.  If you do it for awhile, you'll adjust and be able to sleep through.

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