
Time to resign from work. How do I do this when they ask where am I going? ?

by Guest58625  |  earlier

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I got a wonderful job offer from another competitor within my field. I plan on giving my written resignation on Monday. How do I tell them that I am leaving due to the increased salary and NOT tell them where I am going? I have been told that in this corporation that often they make you pack your office up if you resign and are going to work for the competitor.. So there for I will be NOT telling them where I am going ...

How do you politely tell you current boss that you would prefer not to say where you are going?




  1. You have a job offer, so saying "don't know" isn't honest.  Don't go there.

    You're not obliged to say where you're going next even when asked.  Your resignation letter need only say that you're resigning your position, the effectivity date, and thank the company for the opportunities you've had.

    If pestered about it, simply say that you have an offer that looks like it fits very well with what you're wanting next; and that "with whom" doesn't matter so much.  Then close your mouth and smile.

    Always, always be polite and prudently truthful.  It's a small world; you never know who you'll cross paths with in the future.

  2. I think I'd tell them.  This is business, it's not personal. "I received an offer from our competitor, XYZ company, and have decided to accept it."  Make sure you offer two weeks notice.  If the policy is to give you the bum's rush, they are obligated to give you the two weeks pay.

    This is America.  You don't have to go where you're told to go and do what you're told to do.  That's China!

    Good luck in your career.

  3. As another answerer said, please check that there is not a non compete clause in your contract.

    I worked for a company before and it was in my contract that we were not allowed to work for any of our competitors or customers for 24 months after we had left the company.

    Aside from this, just hand in your notice as per your contract, and say that you have had a better job offer elsewhere but would like to courteously ask the company to respect your privacy with regards to your new job.

  4. You answered your question yourself and very well I might add.  You would prefer not to say where I am going.  Just because people ask us questions does not mean we have to answer them  

  5. It's always polite and smart to leave on friendly grounds.

    Tell them the truth, they will respect you for it.

    Who knows, you may need their help one day or return to work for them again.

    Be tactful, but always honest.

  6. Why tell them anything?  Just let them know that you are going to pursue other avenues of interest, but nothing is definite just yet.  You've had some offers, but you haven't accepted them.

    That makes "where are you going" a moot point.  If your boss asks who has offered you anything, just say that, since you have accepted, you don't feel at liberty to name the companies.

  7. I hope there was not a 'non-compete clause' in your contract...

  8. Give them 2 weeks notice and a letter of resignation.  Explain the increased salary and what if they give you more money?  You might be surprised they may give you even more than their competitor.

  9. Tell them it's really none of their business.  Or if you have to be polite just say, "I'm going to a company where I will be making more money.  I am really not comfortable telling you where that is."  Or you could just tell them the truth about where you are going and start packing up your stuff now.

  10. If you don't tell them, they will probably assume that you are going to work for a competitor and tell you to pack up anyway. When you give your two weeks, be prepared to be fire immediately. A lot of corporations ask ANYBODY that resigns to leave immediately.

    Despite what another answer said, they are not required to pay you the two weeks if they fire you instead. You may be able to file for unemployment though.

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