
Time to settle down?

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What is a good age to settle down & get married & have kids?




  1. I say that the ideal age would be around 27-30 years old

  2. from experience.stay as single or at least just have a gf as long as possible.i got married young and started a family young.well i dont regret the kids but i do regret missing out on the teen years ,and meeting my now go have fun dont think of anything serious til your at least 30.

  3. 30

  4. No one cannot attain Mental Maturity through age..It is something you learn from your i believe we cannot fix some age for marriage and kids..But the basic criteria to get married is that you have to be confident that you can earn bread for your and to your partner...Once you get married it up to both of you to decide on when to go for children...If you feel you can be can plan for marriage..

  5. for some people, 23, for other people 40! It really depends on maturity. I don't think anything under 23 usually works out though. Younger than that makes it harder.  

  6. Age doesn't matter!  You should wait until you know you're ready, some people are ready at 20, some at 25, some at 35 and some people wait until they're 40.  It depends if you feel ready or not.
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