
Time to teach the police a lesson again?

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I was young in Liverpool when the uprising occuered in 1981 and also Brixton and Moss side.The way the police are harrassing people and killing them today(this time mainly whites)informati I have confirm that other uprisings on a even greater scale than28 yrs ago is on the cards.They are now a law untill themselve and organization is under way to quell the fascists like Oldham and Bradford recently.The only language these Bullies understand is fighting fire with fire,what do you think?




  1. I think it is great to be bold, daring and to take chances in life but, something like this sounds more counter productive than anything.

  2. It's not a question of if, it's a question of when. Something will happen, I haven't forgotten the miners strike.

  3. Most police nowdays need to learn some manners also must stop flexing the law to suit the moment by making bad interpretation of what is to gain advantages.

    I know many plod and have been to many of their homes etc but in my opinion its the young and new ones that over step the mark which in the real world causes hostilities between them and the public........... Prevention is better than ignoring the problem early than having to attend once someone has been chopped up however the latter does give them better statistics and enables them to ask for more budget for the following year, its all micky mouse!!!!

  4. Uhhh what?

  5. Whilst frustrations continue to rise over the ridiculous treatment people receive from the police, I don't think riots is the way forward - I'll tell you why -

    I took to the streets against the police supporting the BNP parade in Bradford during the riots in the 90's and was chased through the streets by police dogs along with everyone else.

    However - Rioting doesn't actually help - It just causes excuses for more frightening headlines and frightening images of out of control youths - which become racialized and spatialized images of fear for the ruling classes and middle Britain.

    The problem is not simply the police - it is structural racism - economic deprivation - a lack of knowledge on rights as citizens and a lack of demand for our own empowerment - we need the backing of those in power to get our basic rights and equality - rioting does not help gain this support -

    Violence may be the only language the bullies understand - but their bosses understand a lot more, and the bullies know to keep the tiny vestige of power they have, they have to keep their job -

    think outside the old black box - try new things - e.g. Try getting as many examples together as you can of harassment, take them to your MP. Create a fuss - get them as the object of negative media attention - I'm sick and tired of seeing Moss Side in the news for new violent acts.

    If you're planning a new "uprising" don't use old methods which didn't actually help any of us uprise at all - if you really want to see people rise up - teach them new ways of doing it.  The old methods didn't work then and they don't work now - think of the two people that did the most for ethnic minorities vs the white colonial leaders, rev king and ghandi, both had the same message about violence - it won't work -

    Go read up - think up - and rise up.

    sorry to rattle on but this kind of stuff bothers me - and sorry to focus on police brutality against ethnic minorities but the question mentioned oldham, bradford, moss side, brixton and liverpool - all these riots where due to a rise in frustrations surrounding ethnicity and the economic deprivation that accompanies it in the uk.

  6. I suggest that you look at the problems which the police have to face daily, knife crime, fraud, burglary, violence, and so on and ask yourself whether you would be able to do their jobs any better. In any event, stop stirring up hatred and look at who is really causing the problems. The police do not target the innocent, for example they never come calling at my door! You need to get some civic sense into your head.

  7. and now uve just told the world your plans..............

  8. I agree the police and the Government should fear the people not the people fearing the police and Government! Here in Austin Texas they are shooting un-armed people in the back while face down on the ground and shooting peoples dogs! That's only in Texas its worse in some states! Arm yourselves its only going to get worse!

  9. Are you suggesting people riot to bring anarchy? Great plan, not.

  10. I to remember and actually lived in Liverpool during the riots which started and were planned in the Red Duster public house.At that time police in most of the deprived areas in these cities you mention were harassed under the infamous suss laws and the Tory Thatcher administration gave them a blank check to do what they wished basically.This was a time when despite a recession the police and prison warders were given vast pay rises in counties because the Thatcher mob knew her policies were not only unfair to the underclasses but down right dangerous!The New labour are doing the same thing now.The police do not strictly speaking create social policy but through government think tanks are indeed part of it,make no mistake of that.Prepare for an uprising within the next 3 years!.....Edit:'isitme'wow,you nearly had me in tears regarding how the dinner ladies fed and watered yo lol,no wonder yo gave 'whip round'out of the thousand of pound overtime you screwed out of the chaos,you live in a dream world friend,please tell the truth in future,the miners were not the bad guys, you and your Tory supporters were,OK!!!!

  11. Yes and after Toxteth etc they got armoured vehicles more guns and go around looking more like an amy of occupation.

    I see heros like the questioner always want the police t be held back, Perhaps so that they can go and commit various crimes and get away with it.

  12. Whereas I do not believe the police to be a brother(&sister)hood of guardian angels nor do I beleive your one sided assault on them. Faults they may have but they're the best defence we've got from you and your kind.

  13. Please remember that the Police are just government slaves doing as they are told, they can't even go on strike, because the politicians tell them that they can't.

    Just a bunch of sheep, 2 years training to become a train driver, 5 years to become a teacher, couple of months to become a Police officer and they call themselves professional!

  14. The British police are the softest police in the world. Likewise can be said of our criminal justice system in general.

    You only have to go to any other European country to see that.

    Even worse go to any African or Asian country and see how the police operate. Corruption for many of these countries is the name of thier game.

    I went to Bradford. What I saw was young men who were rioting for the sake of it, not for any real purpose, but for the sake of throwing missiles at the police. They behaved like animals.

    If I had my way this country would be dragged back out of the toilet. I would close the borders to all but people who have something to offer this country, not the countless spongers who come for a free ride. I don't blame them because If I lived in poverty and another country were giving me a home and benefits I too would take it.

    Anyone coming to live in this country who commits crime would be deported back to their country of origin, whether they risk death or not. Why should we worry about their human rights when they care not for ours.

    Many memebrs of the inner city gangs would likewise be sent to their country of origin. I have been to countless shootings and firearms deployments to deal with these individuals. Most are Afro Carribean. They are quite happy to deal drugs and carry firearms. Why should we tolerate them? Why should we let these people drag our country down? What have they contributed to our country?

    So my personal view is that its time to get this country in proper. The police are genuinely not the problem.

  15. We quelled the Moss Side riots in 24 hrs and were fed and watered by the decent honest peope of the area. I don't fancy your chances in todays world, unless you fancy catching a few batton rounds.

    Feeling lucky???

    Joan K, I often read your comments and agree with you, one thing I would like to mention which has never been reported on, is that during the miners strike the police officers were housed in local schools and fed by the dinner ladies who were miners wives.

    At the end of each week, the officers would have a whip round for the ladies who fed us. This resulted in each woman leaving on a Friday with around £250 cash EACH, tax free and undeclared, they never mentioned that did they?

  16. i dont think i really understand your question.

  17. Cops are good, they eat doughnuts and skive all day,

  18. I'm with Bear on this one

  19. i totally agree with you,read some of my q an a,s.i have had a terrible time with their corruption and bad attitude,i have made complaints and been driven out of town,they investigate themselves,they refused to answer a questionaire asking how many were freemasons,its nothing to do with the govt,they are power freaks and totally overstepping the mark,as ive said before they are not so tough when they come into prison,but all the police on yahoo are good guys,ha fxxxxxxxxxxxx ha,im behind you

  20. spank the police

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