
Time travel. Is it possible?

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I am a hard-working guy. I try my hardest at things I care hugely about and even at the things I give the smallest consideration to. The problem is that I have only just really realised that, and my GCSEs (I am British) are upon me. By this I mean that I haven't really been trying my hardest since I joined the school I am at - which I regret hugely.

So, I was wondering, is time travel possible? I would love to go back in time, not just to see the Romans etc., but also to change my work ethic. It's the only thing in life I am regretting right now.

Can I please have decent answers, which aren't too hard to understand, but are also written in an intelectual way. No answers with huge amounts of writing saying that we can't travel at the speed of light and whatnot, I know things like that. A decent answer please.

If someone is looking into time travelling, then I will gladly help you in your research, if any is needed. I could be an apprentice, as I am a noob in this field. Thanks.




  1. ok...theres this science person thats making 1. he said it will be finished in about

    i do the same thing you do but im in 2nd year lol

    i love to p**s the teachers off

    lol good luck with your gcse's xx

  2. The best form of time travel is to arrange an alternate universe for yourself by turning the poison of your sloth into the medicine of enlightened determination. The people at Taplow Court can help you with that. Their American counterparts helped me do it and I became the top man in my field in San Diego within one year. After that, i just enjoyed challenges and dealt with them effectively.

  3. You need to build a car with a flux capacitor.  then upon going exactly 80 mph, you can go back, or ... to the future

  4. You can go forward but not backward....

  5. One secret

    i have actually invented a time machine and have been using it for the past 10 yrs

  6. If you think that any of your research is going to eventually lead to time travel, then just agree with yourself to travel back to today with the final plans on the time machine and save yourself a bunch of time.  If your time machine doesn't appear in front of you today, then you know that your future research will fail and you might as well pursue something more rewarding and not waste your time.

    Of course, you might figure that anybody else smarter than us would have already figured out this trick and would now have a time machine that he built in the future.  So that kind of indicates to me that it will never be done.

  7. No one has come up with a theory of time travel that only requires things that we currently have available. Also the lack of time travellers around suggests that no one has cracked the problem yet. Some theories suggest you won't be able to go back further than when you first build a time machine.

    As for your work ethic, it's never too late to start. While it is convenient to get qualifications when you are younger, you can still learn even when you become an adult. (It is even possible to study a degree part time from home with the Open University but it does take many years since you aren't doing three years full time like a regular student would.)

  8. yes, timetravel is possible.  there is nothing so far in the laws of physics to prevent it.  einstein's equations work backwards as well as forwards.

    the reality is, however, that although mathematically possible, it would take such an absurd amount of energy that it probably never will happen in the earths lifetime, and likely not within the lifetime of this universe either.

  9. Wait and I'll tell you yesterday

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