
Time travel possible?

by Guest44999  |  earlier

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I was reading Time (I think) and it said that someone had a theory that matter was actually this, so now they are thinking that time travel could actually be possible. Or something...????????????????????????????...




  1. Yes. It Is Possible. Scientests Cannot See How Tho. But i can Clearly see.

    See, if we were to find a black hole, and go into it, it would put us at any time period and place any galaxy any planet and any Time

  2. I think so. But not very far. Not as in the movies where they go back years, but as in the more realistic version - going back milliseconds or even a couple of seconds at a time. =P

  3. It is not possible.  Any theory that says so is wrong because it is based on faulty axioms.

  4. Time does not exist.

    It is without beginning and without end, just like the universe.

    To actually have real time, there would have to be a beginning, middle and end.

    Sorry, but time is just man's way of estimating his lifespan and temporary life's patterns.

    When man is gone, so is time, but all will still go on, maybe in a different form, but the world will go on without us and time just like it did before we arrived.

  5. Scientists have actually been able to achieve time travel, but so far that has only been achieved with light-particles, not with actual objects, let alone human being.

    It does show however that time travel is real, and it could be the very first step. Whether we ever do achieve it, is mostly a matter of how much time and money is spent on investigation of the matter.

    If you want to read more about the experiment in which they achieved time travel, read these articles:

  6. no. all the physists are nuts.  literally nuts.

  7. I don't think there is any possibility of ever travelling time.

    They are probably just saying that.

    Until they prove that to me, I'm not convinced xD

  8. Yes, but there is nothing to latch onto outside of the space continuum, time is actually just an illusion. Theoretically it would be possible to trigger a rewind of the events of existence but it would require all the energy of existence itself or it would not be true backwards travel. Technically though you could trigger a rewind within a certain area if you had the extra energy of the area outside of it with which to trigger such an event. "You" could not experience the rewind though, there could not be both an older and a younger version of you unless you made a copy of yourself to experience your rewind and placed it outside the area to be "rewound". You would literally be a god if you had this power. I'm not a physicist, I am a crackpot who knows some big words though. :P
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