
Time travel.?

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If time machine exists and it has no limitation and you are traveling to the past before the Big Bang where time and matter do not exist. What'll happen to you and the machine you are on? Can you go back to the place and time before you left?




  1. Yes.  It's kind of like how in the movie Terminator, John Connor's father is from the future sent back in time by the future John Connor to protect John Connor's mother Sarah Connor from the Terminator.  And, they end up having s*x and that's how John Connor was born.  (Messes with your mind)

  2. well most likely it will just be like spongebob and patrick's adventure....or actually squidward's adventure....there would be nothing.....except for the time machine....and should be able to go back to the time before u left with the time machine still......just thoughts

  3. Einstein published his Theory of General Relativity in 1915 but it was not until the late nineteen forties that, the Austrian mathematician, Kurt Godel found a time travel possibility within a solution to some relativistic equations. He found, that if the universe is rotating then time travel in both directions should be possible. By both directions, I mean, into the past and back or into the future and back. Alas, recent observational work used to study the cosmic back-ground radiation has indicated that the universe has not rotated significantly since its creation. Hence, time travel into the past would appear to be impossible.

    However, Einstein's theory of Special Relativity allows 'time-dilated' travel into the future. If an astronaut sets off on a journey travelling at a high percentage of the speed of light, then his on board clock will run more slowly than an equivalent clock here on Earth. Thus, when the high speed traveller returns after a few years of his elapsed time; here on Earth many hundreds of years may have elapsed. The time dilation equation is given below: -

    t(Earth) = t(traveller)


    ...............√(1 - (v/c)²)

    Where 'c' is the speed of light and 'v' the traveller's velocity, which may be expressed as a percentage of the speed of light ((say) 0.99999c).

    So, to summarise, the answer appears to be that you cannot travel through time into the past but you can travel into the future - at least theoretically!

  4. 1: Time travel is impossible.

    2: The big bang never happened, to deny that there is no form, whatsoever, of intelligent design is to be blind.

  5. If you go far then it will assume the characteristics of the place you find
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