
Time zones.?

by Guest66658  |  earlier

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Why is there only an hours time difference between SA and the UK?




  1. that is all they could afford.!

  2. The prime meridian  is the 0 degree longitudinal line at greenwich in England. The time measured here is the prime time. ( GREENWICH MEAN TIME -- GMT)

    All times measured around the world are relative to it. This gives rise to time zones. Eg the time at NEW DELHI, the capital city of INDIA is (GMT+ 5hrs 30minutes.)

    Along the same longitude the time around the world is the same. For every 1 degree horizontal (latitudinal)movement the time changes by 4 minutes. i.e to 1 degree right of the prime meridian the time is GMT + 4MINUTES.

    It is for the above reason that UK and SA have a difference in time of only an hour. SA is almost directly south of UK. SA is to the right of UK slightly though , which causes the time difference. The latitudinal difference between them is about 15 degrees. So 15 * 4 = 60 min approx, that is THE DIFFERENCE OF ONE HOUR.

    I think I have answered your question. Contact me for any clarifications on time zones

  3. Because they are more or less directly south of the UK.

    Time zones account for east or west differences, when the sun gets to places at different times.

  4. All time on earth is calculated from Greenwich in London - hence Greenwich mean time, GMT or in the military Zulu time.  The 0 degree meridian of longitude travels through Greenwich, if you consider the the earth is divided into 24 hours if you segmented the globe each hour is about 15 degrees therfore anything 15 deg west of Greeenwich is 1 hour earlier, 15 deg east is one hour later.  Hoever, some counties will choose a time zone - eg the west of ireland is 10 degs west but still works in GMT ( in winter).  France is 2 or 3 degs east and is one hour later that Greenwich.  Look at a globe, find london and move south and you will then understand why south africa is only 1 hour different in time.

  5. Get yourself a GLOBE  of the earth, much easier to see time zones.

  6. Because we share a simlar longtitude,,every country between South Africa and Iceland will have a similar time
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