
Timeline by Michael Crighton: Read or Not Read? ?

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For summer reading, I chose Timeline by Michael Crighton. Today we did our essay and I was able to complete despite the fact that I only got up to page 100/400. My question is: Now that I don't need the book anymore, should I read it or should I give it back to the library? Something tells me to finish reading it (although it is usually boring). Should I read it or not?




  1. Ah, that is the question...

    Tis nobler to finish yon book, good sir. Ye shall not feel regret's kiss upon your brow should you read the tome in question, but will hail the lines from said book's pages with fondness and gratitude.

    Then as soon as you are done, pray rent the movie and watch it well; despite the slow beginning and some untalented actors, it doth have promise and is well-researched as to costume and time-period.


  2. well if u hav a gut feeling telling u 2 read it then read it. u mite regret it l8r.

  3. Read it! I love Timeline. Since it was part of your assignment, I think you should finish it just because of that. Really, it's an awesome book and it's worth it to read the rest. However, I don't recommend the movie. It's one of the worst book to movie adaptions I've ever seen.

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