
Timid kitty by day, lovable kitty by night?

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any idea what causes this behavior?

adopted kitten when she was 2 mo. old and have had for 8 months now. we got her and her brother at the same time.

we only have the two pets. no children to scare her.

at night, she will sleep right on top of us. during the day she won't even let us pick her up.




  1. OMG, she sounds like my boy's twin!  He's 2 years old now, and was a really affectionate little kitten when we got him. (we also don't have kids)  Since then, he's turned into a daytime recluse, who likes affection most in the evenings.  In fact, he only purrs at night (early morning to be exact!)  What we decided to do was not to pick him up all the time, because it's very apparent that he does not appreciate being demeaned in such a manner.  Now what we do is make "spirit fingers" in his direction, while he's on the floor, he's learned not to run away when we do that, then we bend down and give him a good head patting and tickle.  I said to my boyf it's like having a bloody dog who likes to be patted on the head!

    I've also found that the more we've let him show affection on his terms, the more he's been doing it.

    They all have their own unique personalities, and I wouldn't change my crazy cat for all the world.  His sister is the exact opposite, and practically climbs up your leg if you don't greet her the minute you come home!

  2. I think this is typical behaviour for a lot of cats.  Male cats are generally more affectionate than females.  I have a 5 month old female kitten and she won't come near us during the day, but as soon as I go to bed she is on top om me purring away and kneeding my arms.  Yet my other kitten is a 8 month old female and she is really affectionate all the time!  i think it just depends on the personailty of the cat.  

  3. Normal cat behavior -- even more so if they're male kitties.

    My cats during the day are like, "I'm a big boy [or girl] now, mom!!" and don't want to be kissed or even picked up. At night, should see the fairy ring of kitties around me on the bed (or like now when I'm awake confiscated it!!). Two kitties (the very 2 who refuse outright to be even petted) will compete to sleep on my legs and stomach, even.

    "Dogs have masters, cats have staff" a very true motto. Cats only want attention on their terms and when they want it, and expect you to make room for them at bed time (like nothing ever happened during the day). Just wait for the 2am meow to go outside, and how clever kitty is to try to wake you to do so (my 15lb big boy literally jumps on me like a cannonball -- guaranteed to wake the dead!).

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