
Timing of contacting my daughter at college?

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I just dropped my daughter off yesterday at college. She is a very independent kid at going to college in New York City. We agreed that I would hear from her after a week went by, but then there was checking account, mailbox and health insurance information I needed to contact her about.

When I sent her texts and emails I go no response. She also does not know her roomates and refuses to give me the number of a friend to contact in case I don't hear from her in a long while.

I know I need to let go, but I cried my eyes out yesterday going "cold turkey" like this with my first born.

Please help. I feel like part of me is being pulled apart.




  1. She's in new experience overload, give her a few weeks to settle in and get use to her new world. The phone will ring when she needs something. She will miss home when the new wears off.

  2. Unfortunately, you knew this day would come! Trust your daughter, and let her go! When she needs you, she will call you. And trust me, she WILL need you eventually! You've done your job, and it's time to cut the strings and let her fly. Get a hobby, or do some volunteer work with teens. That will help fill the void you feel.

  3. I know how hard this must be for you, but even though your daughter is independent, she probably misses you like crazy too. Even so, this is a major point in both of your lives and the best way to handle it is to fight through the first 3 weeks and try to have as little of contact as possible. Calling all the time and especially seeing each other is only going to make this harder on the two of you. Give her her space for a few weeks, then ask email her and ask HER to call you about 2 twice a week just to keep you updated. Send her the occasional email, but don't be surprised if she doesnt write back. She just wants to have her own life and this is such an exciting and busy time for her. Enjoy the fact that you have a responsible daughter who is growing up and can take good care of herself! You did a great job! :)

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