
Ti`nh dau la tinh chia ly?

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  1. Tinh` chi` dep. nhung` khi  con` dang do`

    Tinh`het' vui  khi  da` ven.  cau  the

  2. "tom t" makes a good point.......

  3. Yes, your first love is also the love that leads to separation. If it weren't, you wouldn't call it your first love but instead, your only love.

  4. Oh, that's okay. Time will heal everything, and beside there are plenty of other fishes in the sea.

  5. Toidi gnikcuf a era uoy.

  6. This is a song of lam Vu ?

  7. eh?!

  8. chac vay :(

  9. well... my first love was not my only but he's also my last.  have some faith.  if it's meant to be, nothing will stop it. <3

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