
Tint Fix It Ticket in CA?

by  |  earlier

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how much is the fine for a tint fix it in California or do i just remove the tint and just show them that i took them off? and Does anyone know where i have to take my car sooo they can check that i took the tints off? the police station? courthouse? CHP? where?




  1. why ask us? check with the dmv.

  2. ha ha. you got busted for tinted windows.

  3. Any place that has a law enforcement officer or an authorized inspection/installation station agent who can sign it.  The violation will be dismissed by the court after *proof of correction* and payment of a transaction fee are presented to the court by mail or in person by the appearance date.  The transaction fee for each case is $10 pursuant to Vehicle Code section 40610(a).

    */End of Line.

  4. body/detail/tint shop, they have to sign that you had the tint taken off.

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