
Tinted car windows??

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking at buy a specific car, but it has windows that are tinted pretty dark. I don't mind the tinited windows, but I know the car wouldn't pass inpection in my state because of that. Is there any way to change tinted wndows and make them...less tinted? If so, it is it an expensive thing to do?





  1. Take it to the tint shop, it will cost about $100 to get them all re-tinted to meet inspection

  2. razor blade and get busy.

  3. The tint on the windows will just be a plastic film that you can remove.  It is a nasty and hard process but you can do it.  Sometimes the film is baked on pretty good.  Tint shops will take it off but they usually charge a good amount to do it because it is such a chore.  I have read that there are steamers that can strip it off pretty quickly but I have never seen one in action.

  4. if i were you i would take the tint off the front two windows that way you can pass the inspection. then you can have em tinted any way you want. use a razor blade to take it off and some soap and water to take the glue.
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