
Tiny White mites in kitchen and bathroom?

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I have just seen some tiny mites on my kitchen floor while hoovering in the crevices. They are only visible close up and I have now hoovered them up. But my bf also said he saw one in the bathroom a week back. What are these? My house is clean so I don't understand! Please help before I puke!




  1. Hmm,

    hard to tell without a picture or a better descripotion but they may be house dust mites although you sya your house is clean.

    You may want ot buy some kind of spray and do the crevices etc to try to kill any that are hidden there.

    Myself, I would use a non-chemical spray so that I am not poisoning myself like kleen-free or something like that which will control whatever it is sprayed on.  I think the site is kleen-free. com

    Are they biting mites or just nuisance ones?

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