
Tiny fibers of material floating on top of pool water?

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I recently had the sand in my pool filter changed. Not sure if that had anything to do with this, but for the last few weeks, there's been very short, fine blue-gray fibers floating on the top of my pool's water. Not a tremendous amount, but you can definitely see it, especially in corners. At first I thought it was gnats, but looking closer, I can see they're like fine, short threads. Could this be like fiberglass filaments? Could they be from the inside of the filter or pool heater? I do have a solar cover I use as well, but have never had a problem with that. I intend to take a sample of water with the floating debris to my pool supply house to get their answer on what they tell me it is, but want to know if anyone has had a similar thing happen and what they were told it was.




  1. i have never seen that might be the inside of your filter is flaking off you did not say how old filter was.a lot of filters have fiber glass in them.that may be your best bet is take some in.if they dont know call a pool company in your aera .interesting question. let me know how it turns out

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