
Tiny painful white spots around the tongue that don't go away?

by  |  earlier

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I have had these before, but they went away in one to two weeks. About once or twice a year my tongue gets painful tiny white spots around the tip and sides, but this time they're worse, they hurt more, I feel like there are bumps along the edge of my tongue and it really hurts when I scrape my teeth on my tongue. It hurts most on the tip, sides and underside of the tip. I've had them for about 3 weeks. They are not open ulcers, only white spots. No red. I had herpes simplex before and a dentist said it was herpetic. Any suggestions? My teeth leave marks on the sides of my tongue.




  1. It will go away it's called an overgrown tastebud

  2. They may be canker sores...and yes, they can come in forms of little white spots on your tongue...try swishing with salt water to help heal them's nasty tasting but it helps

  3. They're probably canker sores.

  4. you got herpes of the mouth, that sucks, haha

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