
Tip's about "Phrases"?

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Okay, I'm going to take my first exam in 1st year high school. My problem is that well...Honestly, I'm having a hard time in English, probably because I'm not English speaking. I'm not confident with my current knowledge with the subject. I'm having a hard time identifying the functions, also distinguishing between gerund and participial---seems like both are the same.

Basically I want to ask if you know some tips on how to identify the structure and function of a given phrase?e.g.

Structures: gerund,infinitive,participial,appositive... and prepositional

Functions: noun, adjective, and verb

Could you give me some tips on identifying the structure and function of a given phrase? Some advice?





  1. A noun is a word like student, computer , car, child, or vocabulary used in a sentence as subject or object.

    A child should not have a car.

    Students learn vocabulary for tests.

    Adjectives are words like happy, important, and colorful. Adjectives are used in sentences in two ways: They combine with nouns in noun phrases, and they can be in the third position in a sentence to give information about the subject of the sentence.

    Adjectives in noun phrases

    a new book bag

    a well-behaved student

    savory herbs

    Articles -- a, an, and the -- are often used in noun phrases.

    a child

    the self

    Coordinating conjunctions for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so are used to combine words and phrases. They are also used to make compound sentences and compound-complex sentences. The most common are and, but, or, and so.

    My friend and I went to the park to play soccer.

    Prepositional phrases are often attached to nouns in complex noun phrases. Research has shown that this combination is more common than the combination of a noun plus a relative clause

    the culture of youth in the U.S.

    men in ads

    Relative clauses are sometimes called adjective clauses because they are like adjectives. They add more information to a noun to make it more exact and detailed.

    The Student Academic Computer Center is a busy facility that offers students access to computers.gud luck.

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