
Tip for getting a horse to walk away from the other horses?

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I just started leasing this Quarter Horse mare. I can ride her fine when I am in the round pen. But if I try to take her out of the round pen and ride her, like a trail ride. She won't walk any father then where the other horses are. she won't walk away from them. Even if I take her out of the pasture and walk her in the parking lot. She starts to buck if you don't let her turn and walk bake to the gate. The person I am leasing from doesn't care what I do with the horse because they don't have the time to ride her anymore but they don't want to sell her. So she is kind of green. I am leasing her as a project for school and I have never run into this problem before. Could really use so help.




  1. I would say to practice getting her used to being away from other horses, the best way would be to lead her away, instead of riding her. Take her to wear she can't see other horses, but it may help her to be calmer if she can hear them. Or try taking one horse out with her, with you leading her and someone else leading the other one, and if she is calm start to walk back the barn before the other horse, so she knows that either way there is a horse. This may help to calm her. These are just a few ideas, but the horse will probably begin to trust you more, the more you work with her! Hope I helped!

  2. You should teach her that coming out of the pasture is a good thing. Most horses don't want to be caught, because whenever they are caught, they are worked/ridden. This is probably what you naturally do - I used to do it too. Just take the horse out of the pasture and go for a ride.

    I would suggest training her to come at a signal - it'll be really helpful. Like whistle or something. Here's a great method:

    Good luck!

  3. answer no 2 is prety good  but the problem is the horse is ignoring the ques and commands and so you need to work on responce to leading and going forward the problem for you is this is a problem that needs a exsperianced hand and if your not then you need a pro dont continue to argue with the horse if you can not win because you are instealing releases that are dangerious and bad the best way to deal with this without getting hurt is to teach the horse to tie and leave with another horse and let him beat up a snubing post instead of you and when he settles down then go untie him and reward him then start your work in the round pen with  round pen reasoning is a good way also when you run hin around and have him do inside and out side turns when you see his inside ear on you contiually and he consistantly picks up the correct leads in back then he has forgotten about other things and has excepted you as the new lead horse and then practice leading responce and go for a walk its nice to romance a horse into doing something but it is better that he dose it because he is responding to your ques and respects you and your space and eceps you as the lead horse because you did your homework

    have a great day and dont forget god loves you and your horse

  4. Okay heres what to do:

    1. Buy a HUGE bucket of horse treats

    2. With the horse's lead rope and halter, gently guide her to the trail while talking and petting her and bribing her with treats, with every step say good girl (or whatever you say to tell her she did good) and every 3 to 5 steps give her a small treat.

    3. Do this EVERYDAY!

    4. Once she is confident with this, put a saddle on her back and do the same thing.

    5. After she is comfortable with this, put on her bridle and lead her with the bridle.

    6. Once you completely faze out the treats, ride her and just keep telling her she is a good girl.




    If she does not want to do it don't force her. Just come back to it the next day.

    Hope this helps!

  5. It sounds like your lease is a dud. When you pay for a lease horse whether it only be board and feed, then you should expect to get a bombproof ready to go horse. NOT some owners sick way of getting free training. I would send the horse back to the owner, and find a more dependable mount as you will be doing a lot of FREE grunt work on a horse you will most likely never own. I'd be finding myself a horse you can enjoy instead of one you're going to take the risk and train.

    She sounds buddy and pasture sour. You have very little control with her out in the open which is why she doesn't take advantage of you in the round pen- she knows she can't get away. You may have to sit through a few bucks if you keep this horse. Other wise it's time for ground work.

    It may take some time but every day start lunging further and further away from that pasture and that gate. This will command his respect, get him focused on listening to you, and help him gain more confidence.

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