
Tip or not? Do you guys think we have to leave a tip at a buffet restaurant or not? tell me what you think!!

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TODAY WE WENT TO A BUFFET AND WE LEFT A TIP....... I SUPPOSE THE WAITRESS THOUGHT IT WAS TOO LITTLE AND RETURNED IT!!! i thought that was very unappreciative on her part........ i would have taken whatever was left for me.... plus service wasnt that great!!!




  1. Tip or not, it is your choice.  Don't let those who tip make you think their way is the best way.  Different strokes for different folks.  The girl was wrong in returning your tip; she was saying you were cheap.  Her thinking, not yours, as you have no government or king saying what you should do with your money, other than pay taxes.  Tip lists are growing so big that you need a new job just to be able to tip everyone.  

    I had a man chase me out of a restaurant once and yell that I forgot the tip. Little did he know that I live below poverty, and was bounced off of a plane and put up in their hotel. I had no extra money; in fact, the overnight, unplanned,  cost me more money than I had to borrow for the meal. (Boo to United Airlines).  I make $700 a month on SS and when I do go out, it is a treat.  

    To those who tip, great. But to those who don't, don't push your beliefs on others.   This is America, democracy for all.

    So, don't worry about what she did; she was rude, not you. .

  2. yes someone has to bus the tables.

  3. I think you should leave a $1.00 per person. Someone brings you your drinks and cleans the table.

  4. I think the servers at a buffet work MUCH harder than at a regular restaurant! They have to remove mountains of dishes from each table, as people vacuum up plate after plate  of food or leave half uneaten. If the service was poor, that is a different topic. Basically..........when there is a hard working server.....leave a decent tip! How would YOU like to be the food slave to table after table of demanding customers!! And most servers make a PITTANCE for an hourly wage!!!

  5. Rule of thumb: if someone has to clean up your plates, glasses, and mess from the table leave a tip. If it's not a full service restaurant (where they take your order at the table) than just leave a few dollars.

  6. If alcohal is served to you or someone puts in an effort to make your dinning better, then a tip is suggested, but it all depends on the costumer and how comfortable he is.

  7. you never HAVE to tip, but servers at buffets are paid the minimum wage for tipped employees, which is lower than normal minimum wage, so I would tip. They bus tables, fill drinks, bring clean plates, etc.

    most restaurants and buffets returning a tip to a guest would be grounds for termination!! Where I work we can be fired for talking about or mentioning a tip to a customer, let alone returning it!

  8. You alway tip if there was a waitress. Now that being said, at a buffet you do NOT tip as much that you would at a sit down restaurant because obviously the waitress does less work. I always tip 15% at a buffet if the service was fast and good.

  9. Often at buffet they will ask you about drinks and bring them, also the tables have to be bussed.  So I say yes, but I wouldn't leave the normal tip.  My son and I agreed $1 per adult is enough.

  10. you tip have be 15% to your waiter.

  11. Oh yes, Unless the person that is to get your drinks refilled and removes used dishes is never around or, real slow to attend your table. They make barely anything an hour!

  12. What buffet does everyone else go to. Every time I went to a buffet except one the waiter gets the first round of drinks and then you get your own and you get your own clean pate at the buffet tables. I for one hate buffets so the only time I go is if my dad takes me or one of my family/friends wants to go. My dad only tips 2 bucks @ buffets.

  13. a dish washer makes the same as a busser and he has to wash your trash yet no one tips him. so no tip at a buffet, a server in ca is paid min wage to greet my table take our order now what is the server going to do to get my money that i also work hard for. a smile isnt enough

  14. I always leave a tip at buffets because the server refills my drink and takes away my old plates and bring out new ones. I usually leave 3 or 4 dollars since they are not exactly doing much. I do it out of courtesy.  A lot of people don't even tip at buffets and the works normally make more then the average server. I would agree and say it was rude to give you back your money.

  15. Buffets I leave $1 per person at the table including kids,  if its aplace where i do my own drinks and they are no contact with the guest then no, i dont leave a tip.

    If they return the tip then so be it. Now if you left a smart *** tip like a penny or a quarter then yes, I would have returned it to you also bc the server has work to do in the back  and those things can also take a decent amount of time that the guest is not aware of. If I think the service was awful I leave $2 tip a small note on a napkin saying  Im a 25% tipper but my service stunk and therefore so does my tip.

  16. If they give you pop, etc through out the meal then yes.  If its an all serve yourself then no we dont.

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