
Tipping in Ireland. How much for a pint? How much for a meal?

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I don't want to be one of those Americans who over-tip while traveling (the Euro is expensive enough!). So my question has two parts:

When I go up to the bar for a round consisting of one pint and a mixed drink for milady, how much do I tip?

What about at dinner, how much should we tip for a meal of circa 40 EUR total?

Please only replies from Irish or from those who have spent a significant amount of time in Ireland only, thanks.




  1. as a rule we don't tip bar staff, they get paid good wages, however if your in a local bar and get lounge service give the girl/boy anything up to €1 per round she brings you.

    As for meals, depends on if your happy, how many in the group etc, but for a meal of €40 I'd leave about €5 tip, but as the others have said it could already be included, (it should tell you on the menu if it is).

    Enjoy your trip

  2. Yes, I'm with the others - no need to tip for a drink, and I only tip for a meal (about 5-10 euro for a 40 euro meal) if the service was good. it's not compulsory here, and as deburca said, minimum wage is higher and some barmen are paid very well. It's not like in the US where I believe many working in the services industry have to rely heavily on tips rather than their wage.

  3. U shouldn't tip for drinks but if the drink is being delivered to your table its OK to leave the small loose change on the waiters tray. At the bar it is also OK to order a round and say to the bar staff 'have one yourself' then they may take the price of a drink for him/her self.

    About 10% is normal in restaurants.

    I live in Ireland by the way.

    Hope you have a great trip and have a wonderful time.

  4. Generally Ireland is a low tipping country as wage rates are pretty high. The person serving you likely earns as much if not more than you.

    Don't bother tipping for a drink unless you get table service i.e. the drinks are taken to your table. (small change)

    I would tip no more than 2 euro for a meal and only if the service and food quality was good.

  5. i dont bother tipping for drinks but if we get good food and service and the waiter/waitress was pleasant i'd give them a fiver, or a tenner if it was really top notch. even if the food wasn't that great, i'd give something anyway, they don't cook the food, just serve it.

  6. Most people will not tip a barman for a drink, Ive never done it.

    For a 40euro meal, if you feel the service is good usually about 5euros should suffice. Standard tip for restaurants is usually 12%, at your own discretion.

  7. Generally a service charge will be covered in a meal, this is the equivilant of a tip but it is only usually charged on groups of 6 or more.

    Myself I would not leave a tip for a drink, as the price of drink is high enough. You are not obliged to leave a tip in ireland it is at YOUR discression, and there is no pressure. I think you will see that. I would leave a tip at meal if the service was good and I did not have to wait long € 4-5 for a 40 euro meal is enough. generally compared to the states the level of standard of service is poor in ireland and the UK.

    Also the minimum wage is way higher here than in the states but some barmen are paid very well

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