
Tips For High School????

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I am really shy and I want to make more friends. Please don't say join a club....i've heard that before. and anyway i am doing sports. I really wanna become better friends with guys and i dont know how.

please help me talk to more people and be more confident....and a better personality. and anything you could tell me about high school that you wish you knew or any mistakes you made would be very helpful.....THANKS!

oh and how much homework is there? and how does the first day/week work?




  1. get known for something. if your good at guitar or something use it in conversation with new people you meet. maybe you'll find someone to jam with. and since your doing  sports get as involved as possible,that includes pasta dinners, team fundraisers, etc. even if you are shy and uncomfortable, don't come off that way, just makes people more inclined to judge you. walk confidently but not arrogantly. and first  week is just a matter of getting settled into classes and your schedule and a review period as well/ hope this helps

  2. I was shy. Now, I'm a lot more confident. And, it's not really a 6-step program, or anything. The Chinese have a proverb, that "the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step." And so pretty much, the key to making friends is just being a friend. Freshman year, I was all ready to make friends, and so I would talk to everyone. It was totally contrary to my nature, and it felt really really weird. So, after day three or so, I stopped being friendly and started being introverted old me. The next year, this guy I had talked to during my friendliness rampage (lol!) saw me and, while I was telling a story he noticed that spark that had been in my eye those first days and said, "Oh, you're the girl that talked to me on the bus, freshman year!" (this was spring of 10th grade, mind)... so then I realized that, yeah, this was going to take work, but I could be just as captivating as anyone else, just as friendly and outgoing and comforting, I just had to find a happy medium each step of the way between who I was and who I wanted to become. I still kind of struggle with the guy-friend thing, but the key, I think, is don't have too high of expectations. They're not going to want to talk about deep matters of the soul all the time. Practice humor. Crack a lot of jokes. Find out who you are, then be yourself.

    The homework thing depends, but we didn't usually have much, by my measurement. and the first day/week, at least at my school, people mill about like lost sheep for three days then they settle into a routine. The first week, find who you're going to eat lunch with. Make friends the first day... ask names, introduce yourself, find something funny but not obnoxiously funny to say... make conversation about anything, the summertime, Batman: the Dark Knight, you know, random, pertinent stuff.  

    Good Luck!



    answer my question?;...

  3. i remember my first day of high school (last year)

    just talk to the ppl who are sitting around you

    ask em of their summer was and that sort of things, movies, ect.

    be polite and for the first week or so u usually dont get any homework, if any its minimal

    good luck

  4. just say hi...thats all...first day usually no hw unless its math..first week is just an adjustment period no big deal

  5. FRESHMAN!!!!!!


    No im jk you. Just be cool and mind your own business, and you should be fine.

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