
Tips On Parking??

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Im a pretty good driver. I did great on my test unitl i had to park. i can never get it between the lines. i dont know what im doing wrong especially when parking on the right. Its really frustrating and also caused me to fail my test. Plz give me some tips.




  1. There is a strategy to this. I was taught by my mom and she said when this all depends on the size of your car. If you have a car that is. Lets say a midsized car(average) and your parking next to a vehicle that is about the same size. You have to pull up to the car that your going to park behind. Put your tires about a foot away from the car on the right side of you. Align your tires. Then you start to back up in reverse. Swing your steering wheel counter clockwise till your about a little less then a foot away from the curb with your back tires. Count to three as you are swinging the wheel. Its easy if the cars are the same size........INow you just straighten out your wheel and cont. backing up. Watch all mirrors and such and dont hit anyone or anythin but you should be just about perfect lineing and parallel parking. Now you just pull a lil forward and boom u should be good. There ya go. If per se that the car ahead of you is a truck and is bigger then your car then you have to put your front car tires(on the right side) so that the very front of them are aligned with the very back part of the trucks tires and just do exactly what I said before. I hope this all helps you out

  2. When you park you should pull out your car in the opposite direction of the parking space just a little bit if its small. Make sure not to straighten your wheels while turning into the parking space, but straighten them after the car is parallel to the lines. Park at a slow speed until you are familiar with your cars length and width.

  3. Aside from practice, try widening out your turn.Its hard to suggest anything since i cannot see what you are "doing wrong" I would have a parent of friend watch you as you park to tell you if your turning to soon  ...or if your not spaced out far enought to pull in propertly.

  4. practice practice practice and more practice you get better the more you do it, bet you could never drive when you had your first lesson so just keep practicing.

  5. As I see it, you may have trouble seeing over the right side of the car. Thus, you are guessing at where the line is. Am I right? GOAL (get out and look). If you think your parking is bad, then it is. So go look at your mistake and try it again. Practice is the key and don't let others make you impatient while your in a parking lot. Make them wait. One extra minute parking correctly is time well spent than the hour it takes making out police reports because you hit something. G'luck.

  6. Which ever side you're pulling into, you want to stay on the opposite side of the row, as close to the cars as you can. For example, if you're pulling in on the right, stay on the left side.

    Then easily pull into the spot and line the front of your car up with the one in front of you.

    To stay straight, just use your balance judgment and look at the cars next to you.

  7. parking is something that is not easy to most people. sometimes you have to reverse just to fix your parking. don't think about the parking to much. come to a good distance and slowly start turning your wheel. slowly pull into the space and in your mind you should be thinking ok.. do i need to turn the steering more or less. if you have trouble parking do what i did. i took my dad and we went to a shopping center and practiced parking there. just have your parent/ friend or who ever stand outside and tell you if you parked in between the lines. the more you park the better you get at it.

  8. When the space is vacant, pull ahead of it until you have pulled up beside the car parked in front of the space. Your rear bumper should be even with that car's rear bumper with about 2 feet of road between you.

    Back slowly into the space.

    When the back of your car's front door is even with the rear bumper of the car beside you, begin turning the wheel away from the curb.

    Continue turning the wheel away from the curb and backing slowly into the space.

    Straighten out the wheel, then pull forward or back in the space as needed to center yourself between the cars in front of and behind you. Your car should be 6 to 8 inches from the curb when you are parked.
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