
Tips before the war!?

by  |  earlier

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I am about to have a big airsoft war with friends I need some tips because they are good!




  1. Don't be scared of the bbs, they may hurt, but they usually don't hurt too bad. Also, be smart with your tactics. Don't just rush for no apparent reason, actually try to flank them, come up from behind, or come from two sides for a double flank. Last, when you are trying to be stealthy, be careful with your movements. Make sure you aren't walking on a bunch of dry leaves, or anything that will give you away.Also, stop evry now and then and get behind cover and check out the area. You never know, they may be waiting for you. Hope this helps, and good luck.

  2. Dont be a p u s s y, just shoot them its not that hard...Airsoft is G A Y paintball all the way.
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