
Tips for Aquarians facing an unbearable Geminni.....?

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Gemini's can be infuriating.....god the most dastardly things come out of them at times....and they're not terribly harrmful either (but that just makes me madder), b/c the battles tend to stay in the realm of words.

So as to tips to stubborn (aka not as mentally dexterous) Aquarians, dealing with an infuriating gemini (who you just can't out debate, but they make it so you really want to), well the best tip I can offer you guys (poor aquas) is to remain level-headed for as long as possible. Do not lose your temper--the first person to go angry is usually one gemini is probably counting on this. But is hard to p**s gem-my off (before you go flying off) as they generally have the temper spans of two people in one...they will switch back and forth on conserve, so some of you might want to avoid certain things at times......

You can stop scratching your heads now......

What tips do you guys have for dealing with an unbearable gem??




  1. LOL

    I always win with my Gemini, just online.

    When i feel that the argument went haywire I just shut him off and disappear and this seems to make him even madder, but what is he to do?

    When face to face conversation does occur, and i feel I am losing it anyway, I excuse myself and say some minor insulting word, which catches him off guard, and may really destroy his self-esteem ( just momentarily, and enough time for me to be the one in control lol ), but he is willing to discuss it forever if I stay or catch him soon, but then I would disappear again.

    He will cool down, when I ignore him for 3 days in a row and will start wondering what he did wrong but would be less argumentative.

    But this is me

  2. Make a Sagittarius fight for you.Gemini and Sagittarius are vertically opposite.They share the same traits.Same sharp mind and arrogance at times.If Gem says mean things Sagg would do it back.They know the weakness point of one another.It would become an equal fight then.If there is somebody who can outwit a Gemini that should be another Gemini or a Sagittarius.Also most Geminis like Sags .So they may even give up fighting and start cracking jokes.

  3. LMFAO.....Aquas are so easy to get mad ....hahahahaha

  4. you want to know the lethal weakness of a gemini? ignore them and they will go nuts with their own two little twinkie twins.

    my boyfriend is a gemini and im a virgo (YES, its proven to be war, and a pretty nasty one too). I like to be right and respect others opinion, but geminis want to be right and make other people eat dirt if you dont agree with them. when gemini pushes virgo, virgo goes off and aggressive while gemini keeps a smile on his face of victory. so ive learned that gemini's love to contradict themselves in endless conversations with no fundamental meaning at all. that good twin can be so nice, but that evil twin is so freakin mean. I noticed that when my boyfriend wants to take out that bad twin out against me and I follow his arguments he likes it and gets pleasure out of my nerves, but when I ignore him, his two little twins start fighting against each other and he ends up slapping himself all over the floor (and I have to admit, it does give me pleasure seeing him going crazy over himslef), so I learned to use their weakness against themsleves: I ignore them or say they are right and that I agree 100% on what they say and think, but then I go ahead and end up doing what I want and keep ignoring him. who wins now? yes, the virgo holds its ground while gemini twins are slapping each other in the head.

  5. Introduce her to the Word Fight King - the unbearable Taurus!

    Otherwise, if she's a fighter, you have to learn to put up and shut up. You will never win.  

  6. Gemini are pretty bipolar. But beat me in an online conversation? Yeah right...

    As a matter of fact, I just killed a Gemini in an online conversation. She thought she knew everything.. ha... I owned her. WE, AQUARIANS, are the know-it-alls. Don't mess with us.

  7. One Aqua has completely ignored me and I was really pissed off, while the other one well, I don't know what the heck he did. Aquas are well... I don't even know what they are. But I like it... somewhat. Hmmm...

    *Note* You're right Clarence and they miss us like c**p when they decide to ignore us, cause we add onto the quality of their otherwise lackluster life :)

  8. ok LMAO um Agree to Disagree because We are the type of ppl who will argue a point even if we are wrong{because we dont like to be wrong} You cant ignore us for long because it will p**s us off and we will bother u until u tell us why your ignoring us

    but it is our nature to argue. LOL

    *if its a little fight let it go well be over it in 3-10 mins

  9. I have two Gems around me (ah four) they can be infuriating at times.

    I usually have the battle of the wits with one of them with no hurt feelings so I don't mind most of the time but when I don't feel like arguing I call him out on his evil twin showing up that shuts hims up fast and he becomes the sweet twin again.

  10. My mother's a Gemini; I learned to just... avoid trying to work through conflict.  

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