
Tips for Combating OCD?

by  |  earlier

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I have OCD, and I keep having to do something bizarre. You know what its like, if you have it, or know about it.... I have to look in the mirror and think of a person I like without blinking.

If I have an intrusive thought before this happens of the person that abused me, I have to start all over....

If I succeed, that abusive person is no longer ...around...

Augh. What rotten luck to be abused and have the genes for OCD.

Any help out there?





  1. i have it too i had it pretty badly at first at night time so one time i just decided not to do it and the more i didnt do it the more confident i got and if you start worrying because you didnt do whatever you should have done then try to keep busy to keep your mind off it, it can be difficult at first but once youve done it a couple times its not so bad. Good Luck

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