
Tips for Drinking for 9 hours??????????????

by  |  earlier

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I need help on a couple things. What is the best meal to eat before drinking alot of beer in a period of 9 hours. What is best meal to eat during? I know you have to eat alot of carbs. What about Protein. What is the best way to hydrate. I need tips on chugging beer from a Gallon plastic jug.




  1. Not sure why, but stick to chicken before drinking. . . eat to heavy you might not have enough room for 9 hours worth of beer, chicken digest fast and eat carbs while drinking, fries, breads, chips.  Be careful.

  2. Do you want to die? You can get alcohol poisoning and damage your liver and kill brain cells man, stick to a couple drinks here and there not nine hours of drinking...... geez

  3. keep eating and keep having glasses of water and lemonade. Not sure why you feel you need to drink that much! You may not last the whole 9 hours. Maybe start 3 or 4 hours in.

  4. why would you do that to yourself!

    oh 30 mins, that ok then! :)

  5. 9 hours? That is really unsafe!

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