
Tips for Kayaking?

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I am going kayaking for the first time tomorrow and have absolutely NO clue what I am doing, could someone give me some sort of directions or pointers, or anything please? Thanks a bunch




  1. Be sure you have adequate clothing and a fitted PFD and helmet.  Try some wet exits in shallow water. Rules: Get out of cold water, lean downstream and paddle you own 'kayak'.

  2. dont tip over

  3. Howdy.  It is really a good idea to get a lesson first.

    You don't specify what sort of kayaking you will be doing, so it makes it a little hard to give advice.  If you are going on a commercially sponsored trip the guides will provide both a safety talk and an instruction period to get you prepared for the conditions you will be boating in.

    If you are going with friends, make sure they go over safety issues with you first.  Wear a well-fitting lifejacket that is properly adjusted.  If on whitewater or in ocean surf wear a proper helmet.  Have them show you how to exit the kayak in an emergency, and how to reinter the boat from deep water.

    Get someone to show you proper paddle technique.  The most common error new kayakers make is trying to pull the paddle with the lower hand.  Proper technique uses the paddle as a sort of lever, with the bottom hand guiding the motion while the higher hand pushes/levers the paddle for efficient power.  Get someone to show you how to sweep stroke and 'J' stroke for turning.  You can also hold the paddle so the blade is behind you to use it like a rudder for steering, though this is less efficient than a steering stroke.

    I'd bet you will be using sit-on-top kayaks.  These are pretty easy to get the hang of, and on flat/still water you can have a lot of fun with them with little chance of getting into real danger.  As with any on-water activity proper safety techniques need to be followed, with a discussion of what to do if something goes wrong done before you get in the water.

    Please remember that most serious accidents on the water are alcohol & drug related, so if this is a go-down-the-river-drinking-a-whole-bunch... sort of trip you might want to find an excuse to bow out.
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