
Tips for Travel in South America- Carnival in Brazil?

by Guest66996  |  earlier

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Im looking at going to South America to backpack around from Jan-March 07. And would like some Advice. I plan to do Maccu Pichu and would like to be in either Rio or Salvador for Carnival- which one is best- so if anyone can give me any help like where the best place to stay is and how the cheapest way to get around is that would be great. Cheers




  1. If ur going to south america u should deginetely go to medellin and cartagena , Colombia very safe citioes in Colombia and very beautifu!! also carnival definetely in rio. crazy!! s*x, ho girls and hot men everywhere! also machu pichu is great, Buenos aires is also a must go! make thos three countries ur targets and if u can go to galapgos, ecuador and ull be happy and they are all great places!!

  2. When we talking about carnival most of people only think to go Rio de Janeiro and Salvador. However, you can find a great carnival in Recife and Olinda. Both cities stay in the state of Pernambuco. In my opinion these two cities has the best carnival of the Brazil and you still have a great advantage: The price. The carnival happened on the street so, you only have expensive with transports, food and drinks. The first official day of carnival in Recife, the biggest “bloco Galo da Madrugada” open the carnival. There is more 1.000.000 of people follow it. It is the biggest of the world. See more information at the site:

    Rio de Janeiro has a great carnival but you need to pay to watch the Samba schools or to go to the club. The carnival in Salvador also happened on the street but you need to buy a kit to play on the “blocos de carnaval”.

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