
Tips for a 13 year old traveler?

by Guest56193  |  earlier

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I am flying to Germany from California, which is a 10-hour trip. I have been an airplane before (11 times), but this is the first time where I fly by myself. Since I was 6 I have been an unaccompanied minor, which meant that the stewardess and people at the airport brought me to my next flight.

Since I am 13 now I can now fly by myself without the stewardess.

Note: I have a four-hour layover in Frankfurt.

Any tips for a 13-year-old traveler.

-Finding the gate

-In the airplane (things to do) I have a lot of books so besides reading

- At the airport

- Baggage claim

I have two big suitcases that way like 23 kilograms each. Usually the stewardess took them off the baggage clam-rotating thing, but now I have to do it. I am very weak. What should I do?

My question is any tips for 13-year-old traveler about anything from finding the next gate to my problem about baggage clam (see last paragraph).

Thank you in advance.




  1. For the boredom part. Do you have a laptop? If not how about a Gameboy or PSP or DS? A camera is cool too..

    As far as baggage. Make sure your carryon is light enough

    for you to lift into the overhead bin. And when you get to baggage claim have a few dollars and search out a skycap. They will pick up your bags and follow you with them to your ride, cab, ect.

    Also watch the monitors. If you are at your gate and go get something to eat double check that your flight hasnt changed gates (this happens often) and listen to any

    announcements the agents might make about delays.

    ALWAYS double check your connecting gate too they change all the time.

    Any questions ask an agent..they are always around

    And most important..dont fall asleep in the boarding

    area..I have woken too many people to have them realize they dozed off and missed their flights...if you do want to sleep make sure you hang on to your belongings and tell

    a agent to keep an eye on you

    Too much information I know...

    Have fun!!

  2. take a camera and take lots of pictures. also when you are over there try new food and meet new people

  3. ask somebody??

  4. UUMmmm, i would suggest printing off maps of each airport you are going to. And make a drawn path of the easiest way to get to your next flight.

    TO get your bagage out of the claim, you should be able to do this on your own!! If not, lift weights to get stronger!! If you have to, ask soemone to help you...

    You can listen to your ipod, play on your ds if you have one...get a dvd player and watch a movie...go into gift shops, just make sure you arent late to your next flight, and try to stay away from shady looking people. Also i would try to stay as close to your gate as possible, so just incase someone tries to kidnap you or something liek that, you are in an open area where lots of people can see waht is going on!

    Dont worry im sure you can find something to do. We had to stay in the bahamas' air port for 8 HOURS IT WAS DREDFULL!!! OMG lol thank goodness you wont have sure in those airports there will be something to do!

    Stay safe! Good luck...

  5. First of all, you seem really smart so I'm sure you will be fine.  The gates are VERY easy to find- just look at the signs. I have been in many many airports and have never had a problem finding my gates. Just ASK QUESTIONS to anyone working, they will be extremely helpful, especially for someone your age! Bring an iPod or CD player for the plane, and maybe even bring a small pillow if you want to sleep (their pillows, as you probably know, are terrible). Bring puzzle books and a magazine. I'm not sure what airline you are traveling, but you might have a video screen with free movies.

    If you just ask, I'm sure someone at the airport will be able to assist you with your bags. They have young passengers and old passengers both that come through daily that are unable to carry their own luggage. I'm sure pulling your bags off of the baggage claim belt won't be a problem for you.

    Your layover will be over before you know it. Just bring a book or whatever else you used on the plane. Look around at shops- Brookstone is great because there are so many amusing gadgets! You can even just sleep at the gate while you are waiting.

  6. just ask for assistance  get to know some one(good if there going to the same place as you) and I'm sure  that on of the flight a attendance will help you

  7. waw i really envy u cuz im 16 and last time i had to fly with a stewardess i freaked to death  and i never wanna do it again.. i think u would be fine.. usually they give u the gate and if not u can allways ask any random peson that works in the airport, u can also make some friends at the airplane that are going to the same place u are. take a dvd player.. thats essential.. take ur ipod and magazines if u draw take a sketch book. its kinda hard telling a boy what to do cuz is not that u can paint your nails or make a bracelet or write ur jurnal.. well writing a journal is allright.... dont bring to much stuff to carry on so u can get off the airplane fast and u can find the gate with no problema.. also dont wonder off. first get to ur gate, have everything readdy and then u can go walk around the airport..uhm maybe bring a pillowe and a blankie so u can sleep in the airplane/airport... make sure u tie ur back pack around ur legs so ppl dont steal it.. (u never know).. they usually tell you weere to get ur baggage so just pay attention when ur in the airplane. uf u dont know, u can allways ask a flight attendant.. they know it all.. get a cart for ur suitcases.. and bring junk food. that allways makes everything easier.. good luck! i hope everything goes well to u! and have fun to wherever ur going!

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