
Tips for a beginner boxer?

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how should i improve my physique and stamina for boxing? i'm looking to join boxing within the next month sometime before the end of april but i feel like i need to work on a few things myself before working with a should i work on my punching speed and power? any other tips i shuld be aware of for a beginner? thanks guys!!




  1. nothin works better for improvin stamina for boxing like a boxing workout. punch the heavybag, do pushups and situps, u can improve hand-eye coordination with a speed bag so really if u want to b conditioned for boxin join a boxing gym or find a boxing trainer. find someone who knows wut theyr talkin about and learn the punches right and speed and power will come.

  2. always keep ur face protected never lower the gloves easy points.practice punches and jabs for now.upper body exercises too.they will help condition u once u start

  3. i know floyd mayweather secret to boxing but i cant tell you hes my cousin in law dead up i got his phone number h**l kill me

  4. don't do anything with boxing before you start boxing. you will only develop bad habits this way. Instead just focus on your conditioning. go to for fitness and nutrition. btw the workout at the boxing gym in itself will probably be enough when you first start and doing other exercise will start after you been training for about a year.

  5. Run Alot

  6. I agree with one of the previous posts.  If you start training with boxing moves before you are properly taught, you may develop bad habits that will be VERY difficult to get rid off.  Start running.  Running is the best way to improve your cardio fitness for the stamina you will need in the ring.  Also, start a flexibility program.  You need long and lean muscles so you can move quickly and punch fast.  Flexibility will also increase your range of distance when throwing punches.  Weight training is important too, but avoid a heavy weight program because that adds bulk.  You want to be toned and fit and defined, but NOT bulky.  Bulk slows you down!  Eat healthy foods.  Lots of veggies and fruits.  Avoid foods with dyes and chemically or fried.  A healthy fit body responds better and repairs itself faster. Boxing can be very physically demanding, but it's also incredibly rewarding.  Have fun with it.  Enjoy it.  And as my coach says, "sometimes you will win when you should have lost.  Sometimes you will loose when you should have won."  Just do your best at all times and stay fit and roll with punches.

  7. well i just started boxing and im 12 but to get your stanima up just run alot and cepp going even if your tierd

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