
Tips for a class election speech?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so, my friend and i are running for student council president, and vice president in high school, i am running for vice, and i need to know what should i include in my speech to show i am qualified to be the vice. fyi i am super invovled in the school, and in NHS, so any tips???




  1. Explain what you can bring to your school and say how your clubs that you are invovled in would help you to complete you duties in that position.

  2. awesome. im running for class delegate lol. i would just include the importance of helping others, the school, and how to better the school. Maybe some ideas you have?

    will you answer mine??;...

    its social studies lol.

  3. Dude just speak what's on your mind and make sure it's not stupid and ignorant, other than that you should be okay.

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