
Tips for a (female)14 year old ice hockey player???

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hey guys... Im 14 y.o. and ive played hockey for about 61/2 going to be a freshman this upcoming fall, and I really hope to make the varsity team at my you have any tips for how i should prepare and stuff? ALSO, do you have any tips on how I should prepare for college, if i wanna play D1 hockey?




  1. I'm a 14 year old boy who has been playing hockey since i was 3.  I quit for 2 years then came back so it was hard, but i have an older brother who is going to be a senior this year and is captain of the varsiy hockey team.  He told me that you should keep your head up, and train over the summer.  idk if your school is like mine, but we have practices in the morning before school and lifting and off ice training after.  So train over the summer and don't be afraid to get hit, because ive seen some big hits in high school and they aren't afraid to hit girls.

  2. I am a 15 year old female hockey player and I have been playing for about 6yrs. You should defiantly go to some hockey camps..(elite hockey has a good program) When your at home work on stick handling by trying to control a ping pong ball in a tight space or by dribbling different ways around cones. When it comes to shooting, get a few pucks and if you don't have a net shoot against a board. You can work on passing with a sibling or a neighbor. (work on regular, saucer and passing on the move) As for working on skating, camps will help, public skating at a near by rink or even roller blading. Agility ladders and running for endurance will also help.

    As for college I say just train hard, always play your best (you never know when scouts will be there) and you should watch some college games to see what to expect and see what areas you need to work on.

  3. work on stick handling with a heavy ball while your watching tv or just hangin out.

    keep up with the conditioning run distance(work your way up to 2miles) and also sprints (bike or running for 1:30-3:00). interval training is whats gonna make you faster

    try doing push ups, sit ups, squats, tricep dips, jump rope everyday little by little and by the time tryouts come along youll be ready

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