
Tips for a scared freshman?!

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any tips on how to cope with everything in your freshman year of high school??? PLEASE HELP ME!!




  1. really, there is nothing to worry freshman year was a breeze, but here are a few tips.

    -dont go places alone, bring a friend.

    -make sure not to carry tons of books just in case you bump into people in the hallway, or there are bullies.

    -talk to everybody, the more people you know, the easier.

    -stay out of drama!

    -dont spread rumors.

    -stay on the teachers good side, no matter how cool you want to look.

    -study but dont alllll the time!

    -smile alot.people notice.

    -joke around but not too much.

    -if you have no friends in a class or lunch...find a new friend!

    -and always stay the person you are, dont let people change you!!!!

    =] hope i helped out!

  2. Hahahaha dont worry about it. I was a freshman last year and survived. The school work is the same as in middle school. Its not extremely difficult. Seniors dont play pranks on you. Just dont act immature and they like you. I usually hung out w/ sophmores and made friend w/ juniors and seniors. They will make fun of you cause your a freshman but whatever, everyone has to go through with it. There is nothing to be afraid of.

  3. Just relax and take everything one step at a time. I'm going to be a junior this year and I pretty much got through each year so far because I got good friends that got my back and I knew when to take a break. Just don't go crazy over everything but still make sure you do the best you can (remember freshman and sophmore year are the 2 most important). Just do your hw during the week and take the time to hang with your friends on the weekend.

  4. Your freshman year is the most important one in high school!!!! I can not say it enough. If you are planning to do well and get into a could college you must do well in this year. Do not fall into the trap alot of students fall into in this year. They wait until their Junior year to try to catch up with what they didn't do as a freshman. Bad mistake. Once your gpa is down its hard to get it back up. You will begin to get a little tired in you sophomore year. If you have done well you have something to fall back on. Do all of your homework. No matter how late it gets do all your homework. Your homework will help you when you fell test or quiz's. Stay focused. There will be a lot of new things happening around you do not be swayed because you wont have a chance to go back and do it over. No do over in high school. Good luck to you!!!!

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