
Tips for a scrapbook?

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My sister and I are going to make a scrapbook for my cousin who is turning 5 at the end of August. We are going to put pictures of her and us in it. I am looking for tips on how you can make it original and how to decorate it?

Thanks a lot! :)




  1. go to a scrapbooking or art store they have lots of cool decorations, examples and ideas. good luck :P

  2. Here's some good ideas from two scrapbbooking sites. I just typed in the word five in the search box and lots of great page layouts came up:

    Have fun!

  3. it depends what she likes if she likes mikey mouse u could get different mikey mouse papers or cut out a mikey mouse head u could also find cool stickers or fold black paper alot and cut out a mickey mouse head so when it unfolds u could use it as a boarder

    or if she likes polka dots have a dot them with the border of the picture a polka dot  u could use these ideas but it doesnt have to be mickey mouse or polka dots
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