
Tips for a successful audition call-back?

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My daughter is being called back for a musical version of Hansel and Gretel.

got any tips?




  1. Be prepared. Does she need to have any songs or words learnt? It might be handy to take some music or something for something she knows, and a monologue or something, if she has one learnt.

    Make sure she doesn't wear anything too particular, unless they've asked for it, and, if she has to dance, it is appropriate for her to dance in. By this, i mean that it may help the auditioning panel if she wears plain and simple black top and trousers because they don't build any judgement on the person from this. saying that, i would suggest she wears something to make her recogniseable, so they can go "oh, the girl with the pink bobbles" or maybe even "the girl with the crop trousers".

    If she may need some heels, make sure she has. nothing fancy, just some low characters or black shoes. You didn't say how old she is, but if she wears any makeup, it should be natural.

    On the day, make sure she has a bottle of water. Remind her to try and relax, that nerves are a good thing, to ask if she's not sure on anything, and, most importantly, just to do her best and to feel happy with that.

    Wish her luck!

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