
Tips for an interview at a newspaper?

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I'm applying for a job at a local newspaper, having just completed a five year enlistment in the Navy as a journalist.

What are some good tips for the interview process that are specific to the newspaper world? This is kind of a unique interview, since the job is in journalism the interviewer will be curious as to whether or not I know how to conduct an interview, as well as be interviewed.

I've heard that small talk before the interview is important, since it will show I know how to do this before I do an interview for a story.

Anyone have any other tips or suggestions?




  1. Simple answer: Be yourself.

    Long answer: hmm... later.. :)

  2. I've been a journalist for the past five years and being new to the game, I 've recently been on dozens of interviews and the more I went to the more I learned on what worked and what didn't. Small talk is good but be careful what you talk about. Remember sometimes too much "small" talk can get you into "big" trouble.

    Your first and best bet is to know the paper your interviewing for. Pick up a few of it's recent publications (5-8 editions is good, this will give you a general idea about the paper). Know who the owner/publisher is and it's circulation, how often it comes out, its market and who some of the writers are, as well as how long the papers been around (I call this " Learning The Basics"). This will show them that you have an interest in working for them.

    Next, you want to be up to date on your current  issues/affairs. If it's a small or local paper be sure you know who the important people in that town is/are (Mayor/Councillor etc.) and some of the major issues facing that community.

    Undoubtedly you will be asked questions but a sure bet is to ask questions of your own. This will show them our inquisitve and  that you really want the job and are passionate about being a journalist and it will also help YOU determine whether or not this is the job for you. (But be careful not to come off as fake when asking these questions...choose questions that you really want to know the answer to)

    Here's some questions I usually asked during my interviews:

    - Are their any opportunities for further professional development or training within your company/organization?

    -What is a typical day on the job?

    -Are there any opportunities/room for advancement?

    You also want to be prepared to answer their questions. Anticipate the questions they will most likely ask you.

    These are the questions I was asked the most on my interviews:

    -Why do you want to work for us?

    (Be honest and tell them the truth)

    -Where do you see yourself in ten years?

    Tell them your aspirations. Let them see that your committed and want to advance far. If your being hired as a writer and want to be a Producer or Managing Editor tell them. They will see that your passionate about Journalism and want to work hard.

    -What are your strengths and weaknesses?

    Tell them at least three of your strenghts but no more than five. As for weaknesses...NEVER state your weaknesses...the best answer is state that "I don't consider myself to have any weaknesses." Why would you want to tell a potentail employer any of your faults.

    -What can you improve on?

    No this question may contradict the previous one but try and find something positive that you need to improve. For example...I have a tendancy to be a bit of a perfectionist thus over doing it at times even though I know I've produced quality work.

    -What can you contribute to the Newspaper?

    Again be HONEST...Tell them why your unique and what you can bring to their organization. Let them see that your an individual but you can bring fresh ideas and other attributes to the paper.

    -Who's your favourite journalist?

    Easy one

    Be sure to bring a portfolio of your work (Have a second copy on hand just incase the interviewer wants to hang on to it, they usually ask if they could photocopy it...but havong an extra hardcopy on hand shows you out alot of effoert into the interview), as well as a copy of your resume and CV. Have at least three reference (Two should be Journalism References).

    And last Relax and be yourself and most of all have fun.

    If you need anymore tips I will be happy to answer more of your questions.

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