
Tips for bicycle commuting in the afternoon heat?

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I bike 3 miles to work in Las Vegas in the afternoons. Temperatures range up to 110 - 120 degrees. I need some good tips to keep myself cool during the commute to lower sweat output. Any suggestions?




  1. Well as a Las Vegan you know how to keep cool... or at least cope with heat.  

    Go for light colors.  Also and this is huge - you gotta hydrate all darn day.  Drink water and liquids before your ride and then they recommend every 20 minutes of excercise - but at 3 miles you should be OK.

    I also pedal slower during heat events - and try to coast more and use my freewheel so I can enjoy the breeze without much effort.  Just drop to a lower gear and pedal easy... get a nice spin going.

    Can't get the breeze - how about those little personal battery operated fans?  You could mount one on your handlebars!

    Also - I recommend "free ballin".

  2. just hurry as fast as you can makes a good breeze also a camel pack that was frozen against your back might help

  3. It's all about keeping your head cool. They have some great sports head covers (skull caps?). Get it wet before you put it on then the helmet goes on top. With the air passing through it will keep your head more cool which will help your whole body stay more cool.

  4. Wet your hair,wear a cap wet it,wear a wet T shirt.

  5. I actually find that I don't sweat very much while riding on a short ride like that, but I really start to sweat once I go inside where there's A/C running. I think your body reacts to the sudden change in temperature. What I do is I freeze half a bottle of water. Then, before I leave, I fill the other half with cold water. By the time you get wherever you are going the ice will melt from the heat, but the water will be cold still. Drinking the cold water cools down your body, so there isn't such a difference between your body temp. and the inside temp. Also doesn't hurt to carry a towel or even a change of clothes, if it comes to that. Backpacks are nice accessories.

  6. 3 miles is hardly going to over exert you and if you drink plenty of fluids you're not going to dehydrate so I don't believe you need to take any special measures. Sweating is healthy and is the body's means of regulating its temperature so I would do nothing to lower the output. In temperatures like that you are inevitably going to sweat and perhaps you should just become conditioned to it.

  7. just keep your fludis up and ull be right

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