
Tips for bigining to learn the guitar?

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i dont even know where to start what type of guitar is the best (sizes) im 5 2" and how do i start can i teach myself or do i need lessons help me lol ?




  1. I'd say take some lessons.  Don't do classical.  Learn tab.  I don't know about what brand of Guitar, but any full size is good for someone your size.  Start out acoustic.  That's how I did it.  Don't stop with lessons.  Keep at it.  I stopped and I'm teaching myself.  I only know a few chords, I started last year, and I'm really not that great.  I wish I had kept up with lessons so.. yeah.  Lessons! :D

  2. It doesn't really matter what 'guitar' you get. Most people seem to get electric. I don't see how your height has anything to do with it. Go into a guitar store, explain and just check some of them out.

    There are lots of sites that can help you learn, you don't need to pay for lessons. is a good site. There's also , and you could probably use youtube as well. :)

  3. whoa creepy I'm 5'2' also....anyway, I've been playing the electric guitar for a while now but i started with an acoustic, i bought a "how to" DVD and several books and taughtt myself, it is harder then lessons but most of the many great guitarist out there taugh themselves. if this is something you really want to do, then with the right amount off practice and determination, you'll will be fine.

    PS- once you learned the basics i recommend trying the song "smoke on the water" the whole thing is played on one string which makes it really easy...then once you think you understand everything try playing a song from a band you like...i had picked "your guardian angel" by the red jumpsuit apparatus ((acoustic version))

    hope i could help, good luck with everything and never give up...ROCK ON!

    PS again- heres a easy way to remeber the strings...EBGDAE

    Easter Bunny Gets Drunk At Easter  


  4. Well first off Congrats on wanting to learn the gift of music!

    I am a bassist/programmer. I tought myself in the beginning. I felt that in order to learn I would have to train my ears first.

    I would play a song that I could learn easy and play along with it to get my timing down and finger placements right.

    It worked for the most part but as I got older, I felt that I needed more so I can bring my stlye full circle. I picked up Guitars for Dummies and it REALLY helped me out. For the most part, I had already known most of the stuff but again I played for 8 years of my life without any formal training. Some people are just born with it I guess.

    As for what kind of axe you need. You need to go to the actual music store for that. There are different brands, pick ups (pick up vibrations from strings) down to wood and hardware like the tuners up at the top. (machine heads)

    I am not playing on anything special but an old Ibanez but plan on getting a Rickenbocker. This is an awesome bass but I dditn know it at the time so now I can graduate to that now.

    I would go and get yourself something that fits your hands and hangs well on your shoulders. You dont want it too heavy but then again maybe you do.

    Check out any Guitar center if your city has one. Oh and also amp is important but since you are a beginnier, it wont be too important right now. Good luck and welcome to music!

    Oh and american musical supply . com, you can make payments for any order under 999.99 and they will send it to you ASAP as long as you dont mind having three easy payments taken out of your account! YOU CANT LOOSE !

  5. You should probably take a begginer too an and my suggestion is practice like 20 minutes a day

                  Good Luck!!!

  6. alright dont listen to first guy acoustic is good but is harder to start with cause they are much bigger than electric (harder to get arms around) u need to learn all the chords first,and u wont learn in a day either thats important lesson

  7. Teaching yourself can be discouraging, I would recommend getting someone to help teach you, even if it is a friend. I would highly suggest that you get an acoustic guitar. They are harder to play than an electric, but the sound is so much more inviting and versatile. About the size issue, the acoustic is bulky, you should go to the store and try a few out. The roundback acoustics are slimmer but they are also usually a little bit more expensive. Good Luck, it is hard to master the guitar, I've been playing for 8 years probably and still feel like an amateur, but people enjoy when I play and that is enough for me. Enjoy!

  8. Try out the guitars in the store, buy a good brand (ask friends, workers, etc...I'm a Fender fan myself).

    You might want lessons, but if you can read music easily and have good hand eye coordination you can pick up some stuff on your own.

    For starting songs, try for easy to hard popular songs and a picture of each of the chords for guitar.

  9. leanr your favourite guitar songs, by searching almost any song on google, "(Song name) guitar tabs"

  10. I've been teaching myself guitar for a little over a year now.  

    The first thing you need to do is learn some chords.  The chords I learned in order are:  G, C, D, E minor, E, A minor, A, F, and finally B.  If you just learn G, C, and D, then you will be able to play quite a few songs already!

    The best way to learn, I've found, is to look up tabs (tablature) and use them to learn.  The best site for free tabs is because it is free and you can print them out.  They have almost every song I have been able to think of.  Tabs are easy to read, too......If you take the guitar and lay it face up with the neck on your left side, the tabs represent the strings.  The numbers on the tabs represent what fret to hold down as you strum that string.

    The other thing that is useful is YouTube.  I often learn the strumming patterns from listening to other people play the song. Just type in the name of the song and the word "cover" and you'll find other people playing the song.  You can also find free guitar lessons on YouTube.

    The first few months can get depressing, but stick with'll be glad you did.

    Good luck!


  12. acoustic guitars are great to start on, figure out who your favorite band is, find their tabs and start learning from there

  13. dont ever give up on it.. and yes you can teach yourself

    you dont even need to know how to read sheet music, there are things called guitar tabs online and they are very simple to read and play off of.

  14. use an acoustic at first, then if you like you can move up to electric when your ready,

    and your best of getting a teacher, at first get a teacher, and if you feel your ready, then you may be able to teach yourself,

    but a teacher is a good choice, just get a normal sized guitar, and good brands are acoustic; ibenez, gibson, yamaha and electric; fender, fender, fender, fender, fender and fender.

    best of luck!

  15. i think it's the best way to start with videos

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