
Tips for coping with boyfriend's new job?

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So when we first met (6 months ago), Gabe managed his family's restaurant. He worked a lot (50-60hrs/wk) but I could pop in whenever, call whenever, or simply text whenever. My bf just got an auditing job (goes around to different companies and works on their computers) and he really likes it. Problem is is that some of these companies are far away requiring hotels. In about a month he'll be going to NY (we live in Boston) to work for 2 weeks, come back for one week, then go back again to NY for another 3 weeks and I don't know how I'll handle that. I love him more than anything, he's my bestfriend, and I miss him like crazy if I don't see him for a day. I'm a student, but I'm taking this next semester off so I'll only be working about 40 hours/wk. I'm really concerned and worried but I don't know if he actually cares, I feel bad guilt tripping him but I don't know if he comprehends that we won't see each other for five weeks. What do you think? All advice is welcome.




  1. in the grand scheme of things, five weeks won't seem like that much. and if you can go some places with him, go for it. it'd be like a vacation-ish thing haha

  2. You aren't joined at the hip. He needs to do this for his career. Why are you giving him grief? He knows he won't see you for weeks, but what can he do? You can call, email, write letters, etc. and get used to him being away at work related things. Good luck

  3. It sounds like he's got a great job that requires a lot of travel right now. While it's good that you'll miss him you need to adjust to the fact that you can't have him with you every waking moment. Perhaps you could travel down to New York on a weekend when his schedule isn't so hectic sometime in the middle of those 5 weeks but realistically if your going to make a relationship work it has to be able to withstand these types of absenses without a big dramatic scene. Don't make it a pain for him to do his job by being too needy.

  4. why not accompany him to places, if his company will allow it...

    take a week or two here or there... ;)

    if he has a laptop, then you can communicate when he's in the hotel room, alone... ;)

    especially with webcam and make it really hot... :D

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