
Tips for doing well in my gcse's??

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i'm starting year 11 and i am sh*tting myself lol

does anyone have any tips for me so i can do well in my gcses, and the mocks in december??

i'm going to start revising as soon as i get back to school

thanks :)




  1. go to all your lessons, and just try your best

  2. I was predicted all As at GCSE but when I went back in year 11 I didn't put the effort in. I recommend you do your coursework as and when you're given it, because at the end of the year everyone will be rushing around to get everything finished, and it's hard to keep up with.

    Revise and revise and revise. It might be boring, but the exams tend to be either really easy or about a really unexpected topic. Most of the stuff that came up in my written exams were topics I hadn't learn in school but had seen in the revision book. If only I'd revised.

    Good luck. :)

  3. When I did my GCSEs I didn't start revising until about a month before the exam. I did however do my homework (usually last minute) and attending a lot of extra lessons after school. I found it was good to read something then try and write notes on what you just read and then reading it again to see how much you actually remembered. This shows you how much you are capable of remembering and realistically how much you should revise. I use to write notes, memorise things, use my dictaphone, and for maths and things actually do some problems. I found that the best way to remember things is to teach someone else ehat you have learnt, this way you have to know what you are talking about to make them understand (Help a friend that is struggling!) I got two As and seven Bs in the end. Good luck, just do whatever works best for you after trying different methods!

  4. Just go over everything you learn in class the same week you learn it to keep it fresh. Closer to the time ask your teachers for past papers so you get a feel of what the exam will be like. Make sure that all of your coursework is finished because you don't want that hanging over you when you need to revise. Try to do well in all subjects aim for passes in all if you can, so you can study any A levels in the future. At exam time try and relax. If you have revised as hard as you can then you shouldn't be terrified of the exam as you know that you can answer any question! Good luck!

  5. i jst got my gcse results be decicated from september and DO NOT LEAVE REVISION TO THE LAST MINUTE dedication from the beginning will get u good grades for sure

  6. What teachers will tell you:

    1. Stick to a timetable

    2. Stay extra hours after school to do more studies

    3. Don't wait till the end to start revisions

    4. Improve your courseworks, they'll be a bonus when u do ur exams

    What I'll tell you:

    1. Revise at least 20 mins every week for each subject

    2. Have self-confidence, be determined

    3. Use different techniques to remember things, like pictures, colours

    4. Be cool, dont stress yourself

  7. i am in the same position, going into year 11

    i think you just have to let it flow.

    do homework and hand it in on time, and make sure you don't go back to school with uncompleted work, just remain on top of things and it'll be fine

  8. i'm going to start yr 11 too this year...sooo scared!!! <:(

    sorry, i don't know what to brain is still on holiday...but i will read all your answers ;)

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