
Tips for eating meat again after being vegetarian for 7 years?

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im a 19 year old female been a pescetarian for 7 years and i want to try to start eating meat again for health reasons. The thing is, i will not eat chicken or red meat. what else is left? and any tips on easing back into it? im scared im going to throw it all up




  1. Pork and turkey are the readily available ones.

  2. Try incorporating little amounts of meat to your routine meals. Try something like mixing little amounts of chicken breast with a salad. There's also always pork and fish.

    You could also try to eat those vegetarian meat patties, and after a while, replace them with real meat. Good luck.

  3. pork and fish

    fish should be no problem.

    pork> small portions of lean pork and build up.

    since a  pescetarian already eats fish looks like pork is the option.

    ease into it.

    sorry if i offended you.

  4. Talk about breaking commitment =[

    Health Reasons?! Fish should give you tons of protein and such so I dont understand your problem there.

    7 years! Thats so good and Im so dissapointed your willing to just go back to the meat. Meat eaters 1 pescetarians 0.

  5. wtf type of health reasons would cause you to go back and eat meat.

    It's usually the opposite..

    Anyway...don't eat pork...pigs are smarter than dogs, so that's just creepy.

  6. So, along with chicken are you including every other kind of fowl. Like turkey or Cornish game hens?

    I guess pork is the only one left.

    But just for the information. Pescetarians eat fish right? Fish is meat. LoL. So how can you say that you want to start eating meat again, when you've been eating meat this whole time? =) just a thought.

  7. Pescetarians aren't vegetarians, they're omnivores. Put the meat in your mouth, chew, swallow. It's the same as anything you eat.

    Not that it matters but if you've been eating animal flesh all along, what weird thing do you think is going to happen if you eat different animal flesh?

    Health reasons? There's nothing in fish that you can't get from non-animal sources. What could possibly be the health reason??

  8. You were never a vegetarian if you ate fish.  Fish is meat.

  9. well you already eat meat you were never officially vegetarian in the first place when you were eating fish were you? If you must eat meat even though i dunno why you would go back to it since your better off health wise i would think not eating it seeing how it has saturated fats that have been linked to diseases and people cant digest meat thats why it rots and you may become sick since you have been "vegetarian" for 7 years .You could try goat meat i guess or something else considered exotic (my parents are jamaicans and theyeat goat meat in jamaica) try ethnic places and they will have different meat selections

    Good luck in a weird way i guess...................

  10. WOW! You've done great so far! I know about the health things, but if I were you I would just keep being a vegetarian and just stick with it, your doing a great job, and stick with it.

  11. well you were never a vegetarian. fish are still animals. i dont see any dilemas here.

  12. ya... i dont really know what health reasons would force you to eat meat.... what could possibly be wrong? please either tell us what tragic, rare, health disease this is or stop lying. : /

  13. There is nothing else except rabbit and i'm sure (as i wouldn't either) you won't consider eating rabbit.  As a pescetarian, you're already eating fish and if you won't eat chicken or red meat there is nothing else.

    The only other white meat is rabbit. Yuck :-)

    Edit:  I started eating meat after i hadn't for a couple years and it really grossed me out at first but i got used to it pretty fast. I started with little bites of fish.  Instead of eating a whole fillet, i'd just have a bite.  Then i worked my way up to white meat like chicken.  Then i worked my way up to red meat.  Just have little bites.  It's more of a mental barrier than anything else.

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