
Tips for finding girlfriends (platonic girlfriends.. I am a girl)?

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I'm one of those girls who typically doesn't get along with other girls well enough to make friends with girls easily. It wasn't too hard for me in high school but now I just have girls I know as acquaintances like from work but none that I'm really actually FRIENDS with, I mean close to.

I am kind of "one of the guys" but I am girly.. I'm just not gossipy and nosy which seem to be characteristics of all the girls I've become acquaintances with. I hate those qualities and I refuse to be fake to make friends, because then the friendship would be fake too, but I'm really craving some girl time... like I want friends I can go shopping with and discuss makeup and stuff with, and that will understand being a girl and will want to talk about feelings and relationships and things like that.

What advice can you give to help me find some girlfriends?




  1. well i cant answer your questions real well sorry, but why not try and find some girls who are like you. I know not all my friends are girly and stuff. Get out there and join maybe a sporting club or a clucb about somthing that interests you. If not, just be happy with guys as friends. they arent as bitchy and can help you out with any guy problems that you might have :)

  2. maybe you can go join different groups  or bowling or things like that then find the right person for you. that is what imam doing to make better friends and believe me it is not all easy and good luck but don't give up there will be ups & downs in life but join a group maybe that can help

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