
Tips for first driving lesson?

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I have my first driving lesson on Saturday and would like any tips you may have?

I have told i will be driving on a very quiet road - what kind of things will i learn in this lesson?

I am very nervous and have no driving experience.

Many thanks :-)




  1. I'm a nervous driver too and I've been driving 4 years. I find a glass of brandy helps ease the tension.

  2. Providing all your details have already been taken and you've signed th insurance papers you should first learn the cockpit drill and move off procedure which means;

    Checking your seat is in the correct position based on your body length and pedal reach.

    Checking your mirrors are at the right angles for you to be able to see behind you clearly.

    He/She will then explain the location and use of the pedals, gear stick, and handbrake, as well as indicators which will lead you to;

    Moving off (mirror usage, bite point etc.) most important thing to remember is your instructor is right next to you and has the same set of pedals as you. If you panic, he/she won't... hopefully.

    Enjoy you first lesson, I bet you get a real buzz from it.

  3. The first lesson is just you getting used to the car so you'll go over basic things such as gears, acceleration and steering.

    Don't be nervous most driving instructors understand that some people have no previous knowledge (such as myself) they'll go easy on you. Some might ask you things about the car by pointing to them and asking what they are...but if you don't know don't worry they just wanna see how well you know anything so that they know what pace to work with you at.


  4. just try to relax and enjoy it

  5. You will discuss the following with your instructor.

    Adjustment of the seat, alligning  the mirrors, learn the pedal sequence from right to left (A=Accelerator, B=Brake, C=Clutch)or CBA for short.  The neutral point for the gearbox, and how to switch on the ignition, and when to release the handbrake.

    They will tell you that the most imporatant pedal is the brake as it will save your life.

    They will let you stall the car deliberately, to teach you the importance of the "Bite Point", where the clutch engages with the transmission.  The revs needed.

    They may let you drive along the road 20 yards, and tell you to stop, without stalling.

    Nothing to worry about.  Just remember the brake is in the middle, and dip that clutch quick to stop stalling!  It's nothing to worry about.

  6. you will learn things like indercators, mirrows cluch control turning corners and how to change gear dont worry its really really fun :D

  7. There is nothing to worry about! Driving Instructors are usually very nice and helpful... you really will get all the tips you can possibly need from your driving instructor. You will be mostly learning how to turn right and left, and how to start your car and how to signal, and how to correctly hold your hands on the wheel. It is not as scary as it looks, trust me. Just relax, try not to be nervous, and enjoy your first driving lesson. I am sure you will get a knack for it in no time. After the very first lesson you will already feel much more confident. Good luck:)

  8. As a driving instructor you will be taught the basics of the gears.  The incentive is for the pupil to start moving the car as quickly as possible.

    I always take new pupils to a quiet stretch of road, which is long.  I would show the pupils with the following rule.  DSSSMHG.

    Doors, make sure their shut

    S, seats, make sure you can reach the pedals.  

    S, steering wheel, place hands on wheel to see if it is set for the correct height

    S, seat belts. put them on, making sure your passenger has too.

    M, mirrors, all three mirrors should be set for you

    H, hand brake, should be on, how it works

    G,gears, make sure we are in neutral, show the gear numbers and speeds.

    THEN we turn engine on, and show the dials.  we then make some noise with the gas pedal, set the revs (1500) keep it there for a few minutes.

    Footbrake, what it does, try it

    Clutch, what it does, try it.

    Then I would teach you how to slow down to stop

    then I would tell you how to POM.

    Prepare to move off


    Move off.

    Once moving off we then start to slow down.

    Once you have practised that I would then get you to teach me the sequence to see what you remembered

    All good fun, and you will enjoy it.  So much you want more....

    Good Luck

  9. it pretty easy if you dont have an *** for a teacher

  10. you will learn clutch control and how to use your gears you will just leanrn the basics on how to drive you will be fine just relax it will all come to you xx

  11. Hey I'm doing an intensive driving course doing 4 hours a day at the moment, on my first lesson I went to a quiet area where my instructor told me what everything did, he made me adjust my mirrors and showed me how I should position them correctly, he asked me to adjust my seat so that I could reach the pedals properly, he told me the easiest way to change gear was to use the palm of your hand, and went over the rules of pulling away, mirror signal manouvere. He got me to drive around a quiet road and pull up on the side of the road using mirror signal manouvere. He tought me clutch controls, balancing and dipping the clutch which you will learn, you have nothing to worry about. Expect to make mistakes but dont let them borrow you, I bet theres not one learner who hasnt made mistakes. Remember everyone has to be a learner to be able to drive, dont let drivers put you off you might get the odd idiot who wants to overtake. Listen to your instructor and concentrate!

    You will be fine.

    Good Luck x

  12. dont stomp on the gas\brake

    dont hesitate

    watch the road\surroundings just in case something comes on the road

    try to stay in your lane, don't cross the lines if its more than 1 lane.

    trust yourself

  13. Trust yourself.

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