
Tips for gaining 3 or 4 pounds within a month?? (I'm a vegetarian)?

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This summer my goal was to gain weight. I've already gained 4 pounds, and want to gain more weight within a month... maybe 3 or 4 pounds....

Please tell me what I can do, I already play tennis for an hour and a half everyday and eat healthy food all day, I'm a vegetarian. Is there something I can do to gain more weight, or should I do what I've been doing? Btw, don't say gaining weight is bad, I needed it. Thanks!




  1. i would say eat loads of nuts. like pack them for snacks you can eat after tennis or something.

    all nuts and avocadoes both have healthy fats in them.

    obviously eating bigger portions would help too.

  2. Um, weight train. Make your muscles bigger, then you will weigh more.  Muscle weights more than twice as much as fat.  So, you can weigh more, be more muscular, but pretty much look the same.

  3. Drink Beer

  4. Eat tons of bread, cheese, cream and pasta and you will put on weight.


    Cheese sandwiches

    Pasta with a cream dressing

    Maybe not that healthy for you in the long-term but will certainly help you to bulk up in the short-term.


  5. Are you trying to gain mass or muscle content? If you're trying for mass, eat nuts like pistachios, etc. Eat bigger portions,

    If you're trying for muscle, keep excercising, but shift most of it to weight lifting routines instead of cardio. The hour and a half everyday is actually making you maintain your current weight, maybe trying cutting that in half like 45 min, every other day

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