
Tips for giving up smoking?

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im on my second day of not smoking im usin gum

any advice for making sure i stay a non smoker




  1. Just ask yourself whether you really want to be addicted to such an expensive and harmful and anti-social  drug.

  2. If I ever decide to stop this would be route I would take I think.

  3. Your Lungs:

    If that's not enough go to the NHS Stop Smoking website and order a Stop Smoking pack:

  4. In my case, the pregnancy test came out positive. I never had another cigarette, because I realized that I wouldn't just be hurting myself.

    It's an effective, but rather drastic, method for quitting smoking. :)

  5. find a hobby that takes up lots of time

    ex: art, exercising, bowling, writing. anything to distract your from smoking

  6. dont buy and cigs

  7. remember what made you give up.


  8. Well i recommend you use nicotine patches they'll help you or if thats not an option then if you smoke atleast more than 1 a day you should lessen your cigarettes by 1 each day. For example if you take 5 everyday then you should take 4 then the next day 3 and so on and so forth. Or join one of those quit smoking clubs. Thanks hope this helped.

  9. Not to start in the first place.  Cancer for one etc.

  10. The best one is this, whenever you talk about smoking always say "I don't smoke","I stopped smoking","I'm a non smoker" never say "i am giving up smoking" because you condition your brain to separate you from smoking where as if your trying to or giving up your brain is still in connection to the cigarette.Good Luck Well Done "now you DON'T smoke"  

  11. Im on day 7 of giving up. Im using the patches and highly recommend them!!!!

  12. There is only one way to give up smoking, and that is to quit, and to stay quitting, and to keep quitting.

    I gave up smoking after I had my first heart attack over 21 years ago. I was in hospital for 9 days, and smoking was banned. I had to give it up. When I came out, I continued to give up smoking, until it had become a memory.

    Sometimes, I have dreams in which I am smoking, so, when I wake up, I am determined to continue to quit smoking.

    Never give in - quit smoking, and keep quitting.

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