
Tips for going to sleep earlier?

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Hi, I would like some tips for going to sleep earlier.

Because school is starting on aug 25! yes LOL on monday so yeah

What are some tips?





  1. I go back to school on the same day :)

    Okay, so maybe you've noticed that while sleeping you can't sleep until an hour. In example, you go to bed and close your eyes and your not asleep until an hour or so! So, close those eyes at 8pm and you'll be fast asleep at about 9pm.

    Then, if you are still not asleep drink hot milk. Heat it up, and it will get you a little sleepier. If you are not asleep by then, exercize or do something that will get you a bit tired, which will make you a bit sleepier.

    Every morning, wake up at 7 or 8 in the morning so your body and mind will get used to this. I've been doing this since Yesterday and its been working out, and i hope it does for you aswell!

    Goodluck and have a great school year!

  2. i wish i knew im gonna look into that!!

    but what im gonna do im gonna just be up and around everywhere the entire day so im very tired by the end of the day

    and im gonna listen to my ipod that normaly helps me sleep

  3. this is a problem for so many people...especially me before the first day of school or something important because i'm anxious for the next day!

    the first answerer gave some good tips except not exercise!!

    exercising will tire you out phyically, but do just the opposite mentally, which the main reason people can't fall asleep in the first place!

    so here are my tips:

    - no eating 2 hours before you go to bed

    - no exercising 4 hours before you go to bed

    -unless you "need" television or music to fall asleep, i'd turn off all electronics because they can gear up your mind.

    - a dark, cool room is best for sleep, and light can make your brain want to stay awake.

    - relax yourself at least 2 hours before bed by taking a bath or read a book, but don't go on aim or myspace because that won't wind you down, but the opposite.

    - if non of these help, try putting your body in a trance like state via meditation. Just think about whats going on in your life before you go to bed so you won't be thinking about it when trying to go to sleep.

    - i personally think medication should be a last resort, if anything talk to your doctor for their opinion on which sleeping aid would be right for you. maybe go to a local health/supplement store for a homeopathic remedy. they are ultimately best for your body.

    good luck.

    sweet dreams : )


  4. ha im starting tuesday. i usually have the same problem, but here are some REALLY helpful tips:

    -take a bath before bed. the warm water will relax your muscles and make you really tired. and if you use scented sea salts, especially lavender, it will make you soooo tired (i know this from experience lol)

    -get rid of all distractions in your bedroom! dont watch tv, listen to music, and absolutely do not instant message people or talk on the phone! that will make you think about the day and what happened and your thoughts about your last conversation, and those thoughts will keep you awake!

    -get into a sleeping routine. about a week before school starts, i "practice" getting up early. i would go to bed at 4 am in the summer, but now i go to bed at around 11 and wake up at 8, but i'll be okay if i go to sleep an hour earlier. if you dont have enough time to do that, ease yourself into a sleeping routine. so that you can go to bed and wake up at the same time, and eventually that will make mornings less of a hassle

    -get rid of stress! before you go to bed, make sure everything is planned out and ready to go, so you're not thinking "omg what if i dont get this done? what am i wearing? is everything packed in my backpack? did i study for that test?". that will let you be calmer, and if you're calmer you'll sleep easier

    alright i hope this helps. but usually no matter what im SOOO excited for the first day that i cant sleep! so it might not work right away but over time you'll see that these are helpful tips for the future

    ohh and do NOT exercise before bed, it wont tire you out it'll just give you more energy!

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