
Tips for highschool? ?

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ok I'm alittle nervous. It was my first day today & i don't think i put myself out there too much to meet new people. I saw a few people i would like to be friends with but i didnt really get to tlk to them or anything..cuzz everyone sat with there old friends in an auditorium & we were put into groups to go around the school. & it was only like half day soo..

im just asking for some tips on what to talk about after you say hi or you give people a compliment. & any tips about clothing cliques being popoular making true friends just anything throw it at me i wanna know everything im getting myself into when i do things. :| thank you ... you guys are helping alot . <33 :)




  1. it&#039;s ok!

    everyone was probably

    too worried with not getting

    lost so they wanted to stick

    with their old friends.

    small-talk tips:

    - ask if they had a hard time finding the class

    - ask what they have next term

    - don&#039;t compliment TOO much

    - ask about tests.


    - ahhhh, don&#039;t worry.

    cliques are pretty stupid, talk to everyone you can.

    being popular:

    - again, talk to everyone you can.

    at my school, the popular people are actually nice.


    - join teams &amp; clubs!

    - have an msn, and myspace or facebook

    to keep in touch and meet new friends from

    your school.

    - if you have a cellphone, ask for people&#039;s numbers.

  2. just be yourself

  3. number one thing:

    do not spend your life on being with the popular group; i mean if you are then that&#039;s fine [if you&#039;re friends with them] but otherwise they&#039;re are a lot of cool people out there it&#039;s better to have a bunch of different groups of friends!

  4. just be yourself... and be pretty chill dont make it seem like your trying to hard to be someone&#039;s friend.... good luck! and enjoy high school!

  5. Go to school like it is a job.  Your job is to go to school and get good grades.  That means study as much as you can.  Get good grades so you can go to a good college.  Then, you will get a good paying job and it will not matter who liked you at school.

    My suggestion is to be yourself and get to know people through your classes.  I will assume that you will have projects in various classes with other students.  This is where you will get to know people and make friends with the right people.  

    The only thing that is good about making friends in high school are the connections you make for future business investments, etc.  Just remember that your true friends are your family.  They will not do you wrong.  Trust me.

    I think that the best advice comes from the movie Billy Madison...

    &quot;Stay in 3rd Grade!  Don&#039;t grow up.  You are safe here.&quot;

    There is a lot of truth in that.:)))))

  6. Ah, school school school. This will depend on what classes you take, what school you go to and where you live.

    I remember highschool, there were people who were easy to get along with, then they were people who just need to STFU. Let me give you some tips i learned that really did help me make it through high school:

    1. Get out of your comfortzone and meet new friends. The new friends you meet will introduce you to so many new opportunities

    2. Don&#039;t follow cliques!. I mean, its like that movie mean girls all over again. I know every school has a group of &quot;plastics&quot; but by senior year, those &quot;plastics&quot; lose their identity and live in a world of uncertainty because they screwed up high school.

    3. Don&#039;t try to act like someone your not. Believe me, being true to yourself is the hardest thing to do at times.

    4. Some people NEED to be let go and let out of your life, and its all for a reason. people change, time change, and some people just need reality checks.

    5. Don&#039;t take anything anyone says about you too anally. I mean, some people just sit there causing drama because they honestly have nothing to do with themselves.

    6. Have fun! high school goes by in a flash. Before you know it, it&#039;ll be senior year, and you&#039;ll be off to college. I can say that i had the best, and worst experiences in high school

    7. Stay on top of things! a social life is important, but grades are more important. Try to build up your transcript and your volunteer hours for colleges.

    You&#039;ll find out what to do once you get farther into high school. All i can tell you is to sit back, relax and enjoy the bumpy ride!
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