
Tips for jumping higher?

by Guest60408  |  earlier

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Im 5'4"(asian) and can spike fairly well. I just want to know any

tips on getting any extra height off my jumps.




  1. Jump rope

  2. When you jump, make sure to bring both arms back as you are leaving the ground and then swing them up as you are in the air. Try to think of it like you're holding on to a pole with both hands behind your back, and then bringing it underneath your feet, past your chest, and above your head while you're jumping.

    Hope this helps!

  3. i'm 6'1'' and have a 36'' vert at age 15. if your standing in a line, do calf raises where you just go on your tiptoes then back down without letting your heels touch the ground. also do tons of wall squats, painful if you do it for like 5 min but really productive. also on your last two steps of your approach (learned this a national camp) you should be on your way up when you take the last step, its difficult to master but it adds a good 2-5'' to your vert. I only know one person who could do it correctly and he had like a 1.75 second hang time (he was Asian too). this may sound weird, but grunting adds like 20% more power to your swing, try it

  4. First you need to figure out what type of power or strength you are lacking, base strength, transitional power, or explosiveness, they are all different and must be trained in different ways. You'll also want to figure out which individual muscles/muscle groups are working inefficiently You can figure this out by completing a full vertical jump test progression and a baseline fitness test to diagnose any muscle imbalances that you may have. Do a routine that combines plyomertic/body weight, free weight and or acceleration routines. In order to gain inches you'll need to tax your central nervous system and force your body to create new motor pathways. If you need more advice stop by my website and forum at:

  5. do an approach and a better arm swing

  6. jump rope whenever you possibly can!! I play volleyball and this really helps getting higher to spike the ball


    Deep Knee Bends --- Be standing. Slowly bend at the knees while keeping your back straight. Slowly crouch down as low as possible (it shouldn't hurt) and slowly rise back up. Do this 15 times. Over time increase to 20, 30, etc.

    Deep Knee Bend Jumps --- Be standing. Crouch down as described above but fairly quickly, almost touching your bottom to the ground, then explode upwards as high as you can. The moment you land, immediately crouch and launch back up again. Do this 15 times, and when you can, increase to 20, 30, etc.

    Toe Raises --- Stand regularly, then raise up onto the tips of your toes. Lower back down. Don't just rock up and down, do it slowly (not too slowly) but steadily. Repeat 30-50 times.

    Toe-Raise with Weights --- If you have any sort of weights, holding/wearing them while doing these toe raises will help. Use small weights (a mere 5 or 10 pounds is fine) and work your way up.

    Stomach Crunches --- We believe that sit-ups are bad for your back. Stomach crunches, where while lying on your back, using your ab muscles and keeping your back straight, you rise up just enough to lift your shoulders off the ground, are better. Do them often - perhaps for 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night.

    Jumping Rope--- Jumping rope definitely helps your vertical leap. Jump rope while watching tv or something. Make it a habit.

    do these exercises 4-5 times a week.. good luck bud :)

  8. Jump-rope.


    Just jump as much as possible and never be flat footed.


    And work on your technique.

  9. Practise a lot. I'm a volleyballer also and i recommend that you just jump everywhere.

    well maybe not everywhere. But just practise, the more you jump the bigger your muscles become and you'll get some more hieght

  10. Do plyometric excercises.  This website explains it well and has tips:

    Plyometrics is a type of exercise training designed to produce fast, powerful movements, and improve the functions of the nervous system, generally for the purposes of improving performance in a specific sport. Plyometric movements use the strength, elasticity and innervation of muscle and surrounding tissues to jump higher, throw farther or hit harder, depending on the desired training goal.

  11. go on the stairs and go on a tip of one of the steps and go up and down w/ the ball of your foot. strengthens calves and that makes you jump higher ( :

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