
Tips for keeping the family together

by dude  |  11 years ago

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We live in a changing society, where it seems that the values ​​are in the past and where the household can not only be fragile, but be considered as an obsolete structure. Not so: the family remains the foundation of our society, that's where we are and where we give our greatest growth as individuals and human beings.
ANY tips for keeping family together ?

 Tags: family, Keeping, tips



  1. dude


    Know when to speak

    The importance of setting limits

    The gift of patience

    Family Activities

    It is difficult to hold together a family that does not share interests. It is important that your child will get involved early on with the things you love or passion. Do not expect to get excited like you right off the bat, but you have the patience to teach you why it's interesting that you like, not mandate. In case you do not come to share your hobbies, what you do or inquires made in family activities that involve everyone, from cooking to games or team sports.

    Learn to space

    Accept others

    Admitting mistakes

    Through thick and thin

    What is allowed and not allowed

    It is true that goes along with the boundaries, but also the limits oneself. This means you must teach your children how to learn to care for themselves and not cause or causing harm. This serves as both prevention of addictions such as abusive relationships and even cause damage to third parties (people or animals). Also failing with homework, household obligations or established rules (arrival time, for example). When this happens there is a relative imbalance where, ultimately, all may be affected.

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